Can We Get An Automatic Downgrade To 2.7.1 Script To Fix 2.8 Issues
Hi folks at WP.
Is there anyway that you could trot out the old script to do an automatic upgrade to 2.7 so that those of us that have problems with 2.8 can get our sites back up and running again without trying to do it manually?
There are a lot of Newbies that don’t have a clue and even if you do it is kind of a pain to do it manually.
It would be a big help! Would anyone else like to have the script too?
The whole issue is that WP like it or not got a whole lot of people to trust that they knew more than they did about their own product and told them ” Do this now, it is OK, It’s us at WP” every time they logged into admin.
Kind of like the commercial going on now where they guy asks the two 5 year old little girls if they want a pony. The ones say yes, and he hands that one a plastic one and then he asks the other one if she wants one, and of course she says yes, then he makes a click, click noise and out walks a real pony.
The other little girl looks at him and he says, well you did not ask for a real pony, like it was her fault not knowing the exact right question to ask. Then something along the lines, even children know when something is not fair or something like that.
I am not saying anyone associated with WP is evil like that and I am sure that they are probably really good guys and gals. They have to be to put out a great product like WP.
But them mentality of trying to blame the people that trusted WP to put out a product that was safe, is probably part of what caused the issue in the first place.
Programmers as whole, are usually terrible at practical issues when it comes to the people that actually have to use their product. I know, I have had them working for me for over two decades. If you ever want to find out the why and the what, go read a book called “People Pattern Power” if you really want to understand the psychology behind it.
That being said, again, with about a days worth of programming, they can come up with a script that backs ups the version they are using, and be able to go back to it no questions asked. This is not all that hard. Besides you have some really bright people working on this project.
The bottom line is the 2.8 is hosed, and they should do something about it ASAP and take the auto upgrade down until things are truly fixed.
And most importantly they need to give people that have had their sites put out of commission because they trusted WP, a fix to go back to 2.7.1 as easily as WP gave them an option to break their site in the first place by saying “Do this now, it is OK, It’s us at WP”.
This is unarguably the right thing to do, even if 2.8 is the greatest thing since sliced white bread. It will make WP even that much better.
We will have to see if someone steps up to the plate on this one or not. I really hope that they do. Stay tuned I guess.
What concerns me is regarding plugins – my only current symptom that I can see is that my dashboard is having issues. I had no display on the right half of the dash and found several plugins that do not seem to be compatible.
The thing that irks me is that they are well known widely used plugins. For me these are the ones that do not seem to be compatible:
Google Analytics
Google XML Sitmaps
Twitter Tools
Add Meta
WPG2So obviously these plugins when used in conjunction to another one are affecting whatever new javascript is being used in the display of the admin panel.
I know I can downgrade without an issue, but it’s really frustrating.
Edit: After some tinkering, only when I activate these plugins do I experience an issue. I got a majority of the important plugins to work properly.
Well, I’m one of the brand new people who didn’t realize all of this before I hit the upgrade button. However, I did backup my files prior to the upgrade. And then I backed up again afterwards (if I remember correctly).
I found my backup-file and the option to restore, but I might just be restoring what I’ve already got. I admit that I didn’t read all of the “Getting Started” materials before I jumped in and started putting my blog together (not sure if it talks about how to back and restore there or not). But, maybe the WP should offer some type of warning (like: Back up first before you upgrade and do not back up again until you make sure your upgrade is working correctly).
I’ve only had minor problems so far, but if anything is broken, I either have to wait for the next upgrade to fix the bugs, or I have to figure out how to fix the problem on my own. I guess it’s a good lesson, but possible harsh consequences for those of us who didn’t know.
As one of those newbies I certainly felt powerless when 2.8 trashed my blog . . .at least the WYSIWYG editor. That was the problem I was suffering, and I read that many others shared the same fate. Getiing the script to downgrade would be a magical cure, otherwise the procedure which doesn’t look too complicated, nonetheless, requires several steps where errors could be made. So I have found a fix which worked perfetly for me.
I installed the wp-insert which you can download here: You can replace the standard wp editor with this little script and it now only solves the problem but also provides some very excellent editoing tools you would not have had prior.
I hope some of you find this useful.
But them mentality of trying to blame the people that trusted WP to put out a product that was safe, is probably part of what caused the issue in the first place.
Oh, for goodness sakes. I’m trying to stay on a technical basis and help but the mentality of denying your own responsibility is too much for my pre-coffee state of mind.I know how frustrating it is for new users or even experienced users who are have problems. I get it, I honestly do. And like most people here I want to help and get people back and running as it’s just a plain good community thing to do.
But using self hosted blog software does require two things: one that the person running the software be responsible and maintain his or her software, and that that administrator at least have competent backups of their blog files and database. That part is not really rocket science and is a great escape parachute for when things go horribly wrong. And it works so you’ll get that “Whoa, thank goodness I had that safety escape” moment.
That responsibility (and flexibility) is why you run this software. If you wanted to have someone else do it, you’d use WordPress.COM or some other service that handles the back end software for you.
If anything needs to change, it should be that the automatic upgrade link ask the end user if they really have a good backup and restore strategy ready as a “just in case”. And then when they click yes, make them answer a random quadratic equation properly, by entering the correct value of X.
</diatribe>For folks who are still having 2.8 problems, there are some good places to look regarding self help starting with MichaelH’s 2.8 FAQ and recently a neat adjustment with a plugin fix.
These are not always bullet proof and has not apparently solved everyone’s problems. But if you post the technical details someone may step up with a “Hey this is how I fixed it”.
Good luck.
The bottom line is the 2.8 is hosed, and they should do something about it ASAP and take the auto upgrade down until things are truly fixed.
this is almost laughable. do you have any idea how many people use wordpress? I think you lack context.
this is just more of the normal “i cant upgrade” stuff that always happens. take it from someone that has been on these forums since 1.5.x
it always happens.
and, fwiw, millions of sites are running wordpress. the posts on these forums are ALWAYS going to make things appear as if things are “hosed”. this is a support forum, after all, not a place for people to check in after everything goes just fine.
well i’ve been here just as long @whooami and its the first time i’ve had these many different problems with wordpress, i’ve got loads of wordpress installs, but after the initial 3 different failures, in wordpress installs in different servers and settings/customs, i’m holding out for the rest of the updates, 2 of them i think were plugin related, cause most functions seem to be working right (after disabling some plugins), another was just a bad automatic update (i blame it on 2.7.1 automatic update and not really the 2.8 release) and had to do a manual upgrade to fix it, so the 3 of them are apparently working fine, i put emphasis on “apparently” cause when stuff starts breaking in so many different ways, something is apparently wrong, ohh and downplaying these problems is just as useless as complaining about it…
regarding the automatic rollback, humm seems more like bloat and difficult to sustain in the long run, backing up everything before doing any update is the best/quickest course of action (besides having backups is always a good idea), also i think wordpress automatic update does warn users to backup everything before starting the automatic update, and if a user forgot to backup (and something went terribly wrong) he can always contact their host to see if they have a older backup of the account, never hurts to ask.
Me too, i would like downgrade, there are more bugs every days… !
I noticed that a a lot of people have tried to upgrade to 2.8 and end up getting errors, myself included.
If you want to downgrade from 2.8, just use the manual “upgrade method” with an archive of your previous wordpress version. (Whatever you had before trying to upgrade.) You can find a link to them in the download section.
I know this works because I’ve done this several times now while trying to my blog updated. Comes up with the same error. that “default-widgets.php on line 15” Tried disabling all plugins and still didn’t work.
Hope this help you all to restore your blogs.
-HappyApple (Sorta, I still want to have 2.8 ?? )
I just read a topic with a post on how a user was able to upgrade:
It reminded me, that’s the same way I had to do it in order to upgrade from 2.6 to 2.7. Download the zip and replace everything except wp-content and wp-config.php (However I think what I did was replace everything. went through the wizard and re-uploaded my themes and plugins.)
I try this later on my blog and see if it works for me.
Good luck to you all and upgading!-HappyApple
Just to let you all know I tested the method I described above and IT DOES WORK! ?? I now have the latest WP 2.8. So far everything works fine, theme, plugins, etc.
So Hope this works out for all of you too. ??
Good luck!
– (Very) HappyApple ??
As the tight release of WordPress 2.8.1 shows, it’s quite advisable to wait a few days befor jumping the gun upon a new release. Expecting a downgrade option from the WordPress folks is very wishful thinking – how would they justify the development efforts?
I had to rollback when, I started getting white pages (WP 2.8.6). I have a WP 2.5 blog theme using a WP Cpanel 2.7.1 and want to keep it. I think my theme can’t handle these continuous massive upgrades. It’s like a car that’s starting to sway when you reach maximum speed overdrive.
This may help if you’re using are want rollback back to WP 2.7.1
Helpful links…
White pages problem:hacktrix.comRollback:
Security Plugins:
Be sure to consult with your host service provider if you’re unsure of issues.
P.S. The funny thing is, when I rolled back, the spam decreased. But when I upgrade, the spam increases. I don’t know why. Somethings going on…
What’s your feeling ? When someone staring at you? Specially in the time you are on the elevator? At that time ,if you are a girl ,what will you do first and during the time ?
Here I list somthing which I may do during that time . First when i find the person is a man . I pay attention to him for a while as he do. Then observe whether he can move her eyes away from me. If he still looking at me . The next I try to find that whether there is somthing worry with myself ,just like the clothes ,my face ,my hair,and so on . Then I will pay attention to the enviornment aroud me . Wehther there is someone suspicious besides me .
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