But how about when I change the desktop resolution from 1280x720p to 1920x1080p all of the widgets from the footer are changing places and I want to fix them where is black the icons should be white and where is white color background then the social icons should be black.
PS: I wanted to tell you that when you are making the browser box minimal or smaller you will see that the top menu from the website is automatically auto arrange in one big banner box and if you click there “GO TO”. That’s my point. I don’t want to see like that. For example by checking other websites when I do the same thing with the minimizing the browser the menu keeps the same but not in my website case. Even the home slider is changing its aspect ratio.
About social icons. I’ve found already a fix. Need to put them a stroke in photoshop that will coincide with the exact oposite background color (white background – black stroke and black background – white stroke). Thank you anyway!