• Resolved jennifersanchez


    Hi Andrea, excellent complement!
    I’m looking for the form to auto-complete the form with xprofile? for example the xprofile ID 9 with the location in the form field without “search” directly for the result? is it possible?

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  • Plugin Author Andrea Tarantini


    Hi Jennifer,

    At this time BP Profile Search doesn’t support that feature. Sorry!

    Thread Starter jennifersanchez


    Hi Andrea! Thanks for your answer!
    I was thinking.. is it possible a hide filter like [bps_directory field_5=”field_30″] .
    Field 30 is a xprofile of a user.

    I tried with the given code but I don’t know how to determine the distance

    add_filter ('bps_hidden_filters', 'my_hidden_filters');
    function my_hidden_filters ($filters)
    	$user_id = bp_loggedin_user_id ();
    	if ($user_id != 0)
    		//place is the xprofile of the location a user 
    		$place= xprofile_get_field_data (46, $user_id);
    		//field_247 is the location of users who should show that they are closer to 40 km from them
    		$filters['field_247'] = $place;
    	return $filters;


    Thread Starter jennifersanchez


    sorry the code im using is it

    add_filter ('bps_hidden_filters', 'directory_filters');
    function directory_filters ($filters)
    	$user = bp_loggedin_user_id ();
    	if (empty ($user))  return $filters;
    	$filters['bps_directory'] = bps_current_page ();
    $location1 = xprofile_get_field_data (46, $user ); 
     if (!empty ($location1)){
    	$filters['field_62'] = empty ($_REQUEST['field_62'])? addslashes ($location1): $_REQUEST['field_62'];
    	return $filters;

    how i can do to determine the distance of 100Km?

    Plugin Author Andrea Tarantini


    Hi Jennifer,

    Try this code:

    add_filter ('bps_hidden_filters', 'directory_filters');
    function directory_filters ($filters)
    	global $wpdb;
    	$user = bp_loggedin_user_id ();
    	if (empty ($user))  return $filters;
    	$table_name = $wpdb->prefix. 'bds_locations';
    	$query = "SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE user_id = $user AND field_id = 46;";
    	$value = $wpdb->get_row ($query);
    	if (!empty ($value))
    		$filters['field_62_distance']['distance'] = 100;
    		$filters['field_62_distance']['units'] = 'km';
    		$filters['field_62_distance']['location'] = $value->location;
    		$filters['field_62_distance']['lat'] = $value->lat;
    		$filters['field_62_distance']['lng'] = $value->lng;
    	return $filters;
    Thread Starter jennifersanchez


    Awesome!! Thanks!

    Thread Starter jennifersanchez


    Hi Andrea, I’m looking for the compatible way that a user field has 5 places loaded and search it with the address of another.

    User 1 field_5:
    Paris France,
    Buenos Aires, Argentina,
    Madrid, Spain

    User 2 field_6:
    Madrid, Spain

    How have you helped me, one location of a user with another I can find it, but is it possible with more? for example the user 2 find the user 1 because it have Spain?
    Is it possible with repeater fields or should I do with a checkbox or text box with comma and a unique name field?
    Thanks very much!

    Thread Starter jennifersanchez


    Hi Andrea.
    Im using a complement to add repeater fields of locations to the profiles.
    im bring the group fields with $group_values, but it didnt work, can you guide me what im doing wrong please?

    how i can do for this code is in a directory (page) different than the above code?

    add_filter ('bps_hidden_filters', 'directory_filters');
    function directory_filters ($filters)
        $group_values = wbbpp_get_group_values( $group_name = 'bprm_grp_edu');
        $group_values = array();
        $user_id      = get_current_user_id();
        $bprm_rs_data = array();
        $bprm_rs_data = get_user_meta( $user_id, 'wbbpp_userdata', true );
    	global $wpdb;
    	$user = bp_loggedin_user_id ();
    	if (empty ($user))  return $filters;
        $table_name = $wpdb->prefix. 'bds_locations';
    	$query = "SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE user_id = $user AND $bprm_rs_data[$group_name];";
    	$value = $wpdb->get_row ($query);
    	if (!empty ($value))
    		$filters['field_46_distance']['distance'] = 100;
    		$filters['field_46_distance']['units'] = 'km';
    		$filters['field_46_distance']['location'] = $value->location;
    		$filters['field_46_distance']['lat'] = $value->lat;
    		$filters['field_46_distance']['lng'] = $value->lng;
    	return $filters;

    reference: https://pastebin.com/JFSLG2mi

    Thanks very much!!

    Plugin Author Andrea Tarantini


    Hello Jennifer,

    If you are using ‘BuddyPress Profile Pro’, you could ask them if their fields are searchable by BP Profile Search (or you can try yourself to add those fields to a search form and confirm the search is working).

    If the answer is no, there is no way to make those fields work as hidden filters.

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