• I upgraded to 2.5 and when I click on the auto-upgrade link for the plugin I am directed to a page asking for my FTP login information… thing is when I put in the correct information, even THAT doesn’t work.

    I get word from other upgraders that their installs never asked for this info… what’s up?

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  • I can use FileZilla on port 22 to connect to my server with SFTP but WordPress just says:

    Error: There was an error connecting to the server, Please verify the settings are correct.

    I have FTPS (SSL) seleteced. But SFTP and FTPS don’t mach so I guess it’s on some other port then 22. I guess that’s that error. Is this right?

    -Raymond Day

    Sorry for not starting a new post but when I try i get a blank page.

    I installed 2.7 and when I click to get an image I get
    {#wpeditimage.caption} instead of Enter caption and other things, I tried to reinstall automatically but I get a message saying your are already uptodate…. Any ideas?

    My host is only allowing me to access via SFTP SSH so the automatic upgrade is not functioning for me. Are there any plans to support SFTP as well and not only FTP or FTPS?

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