• Resolved Storyman


    Using the auto update to 3.0.3 went smoothly. However, upgrading this time did not go so well. It failed.

    Wait. It gets worse.

    When it failed it left the message, “Under maintenance…” remained as the only thing a visitor to the site would see.

    Downloaded 3.0.4 and upgraded manually. Now the site is back up, but the admin area still shows that the upgrade failed and suggest another go at it. If the link to take another go at upgrading is clicked it shows that the latest WP version is installed.

    Is there a way to get the message at the top of the admin screen to show that the latest WP version is installed? It’s important to know when the updates are available.

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  • automatic upgrade destroyed al tinymce-functionality on all my sites.

    manual upgrade and all advice about turning off plug-ins and so on didn’t get it back.

    manual upgrade lets 3.04 nagging about not being upgraded. (still tells me “please upgrade now)

    I suspect persmission errors but I don’t know what files and directories should bet changed and to what. putting all on “777” must be not safe at all, I think.

    Is there maybe a list somewhere to be found on which directories and files should have what minimal persmissions for proper functionality, so I could crosscheck?

    Aha! WordPress pushed a bug.

    If you are getting a nag message saying that you aren’t upgraded, even though you just did, it’s not you, it’s WordPress! The 3.0.4 version thinks that it’s version 2.8.5 and that’s what’s causing the upgrade message.

    Go into wp-includes/version.php and change the line

    $wp_version = '2.8.5';


    $wp_version = '3.0.4';

    Problem solved!

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    StefanoFonzarelli – Nothing changed in TinyMCE. Check for a .maintenance file (same level as your .htaccess file) and delete it if it’s there.

    RadicalBender – If that’s the case, then YOU had an incomplete upgrade. Source code doesn’t show that t’all.

    Also, this one topic’s way out of hand.

    If you have a SIMILAR problem, but not the EXACT SAME one, please do everyone a favor and open your own post ?? It’s hellish trying to support 90 people in one thread.

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