• Hi there,
    Is it possible to have all links w/in the blog content open in new windows, AUTOMATICALLY (i.e. no editing quicktags.js, no manually putting target=”_blank”).
    Thank you.

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  • The commit by alex was fixed last night.

    After reading that article, I have decided to implement the rel=external method accross my entire site. Thank you for pointing out that the target method was being deprecated. The changes will be made, and my updated layout, which includes a wp button and link, will be live in the next couple of days. I love WP!

    rel=external is pretty cool… and i have started using it…
    but in the WP backend, I still end up inserting this code into the links code generated using the buttons. can i incorporate this code to be generated on using the link button?!
    Plus, why not make the link button work like they do in IPB forums! they work pretty neatly. 2 seperate JS alerts and the link is ready.

    The IPB buttons are not cursor aware… I considered setting it to prompt for link text if there is no selection, but then that button would work differently from the other buttons that have open/close tags.

    I’d like to automatically add target=”_blank” to any QuickLink added.
    What should I edit in quicktags.js?

    Target attributes on anchor tags break validation and will not be included in WordPress, ever.

    is that why links in popup comments always open in the popup window so we can’t see the site properly? sometimes useability is compromised by NOT opening links in a new window. just something for all the xhtml strict fanatics to think about.

    Just my two cents… So the purist at W3C org don’t like the idea of the Target attr, and now we have to compensate with tons of Javascript to get a very simple & basic function work as it did until now.
    I’m sorry to say that those folks at W3C have to land back on reality’s ground. As long as all major browsers will not work by the new “standards”, many – me included – will go on and use “target”, with or without their validators blessing…

    I’d like to automatically add target=”_blank” to any QuickLink added.
    What should I edit in quicktags.js?

    The javascript method as described in https://www.sitepoint.com/article/1041 is just as bad (not standards compliant) as adding target=”_blank” in your (X)HTML code. The only difference is that they are adding them through javascript code in stead of through the (X)HTML code. The result is the same thing.
    So untill now there is no compliant sollution for opening links in new windows. Something that the majority of my blog users want even though I tried to make clear that opening links in new windows is “not done”.
    Or maybe some javascript code that adds onClick attributes in stead of target attributes?

    heheh! “shift click” yadda yadda people don’t even know what F11 is for when browsing, let alone that they can click a mouse button and hold down a key while doing so!
    Last time i tried to explain to a web n00b why it is important to have a stringent navigation on all sites. the impression was that since there is a browser back and next button you can jump back and forth on all pages! Then I switched that toolbar off and WHOA! Help Help! Turn it on again! Pleeese!
    unfortunately this is no isolated incident. it’s the majority of today’s internet users. So whenever I link a PDF e.g. it will open in a new window since otherwise people will just be confused where the heck the site went they just were on…
    Other than that I hate popups ??
    Down with popups! and Down with flash ads!!

    It all depends if you are designing your site for no0bs using IE or people on tabbed browsers who know what they’re doing. Though actually ‘target=”_blank”‘ can be very confusing for IE users because it breaks the ‘back’ button.
    Most of us here don’t want no0bs who don’t know how to open links in a new window looking at our sites anyway, so it’s not a problem.

    Why on earth did it take all that time to tell the poor man the answer is putting <base target="_blank" /> in the head?
    I mean, I fully understand the Sinner vs. Strict debate, and I’m extremely fond of validation. But if these are supposed to be support forums, shouldn’t they provide… support!?

    Is it possible to have all links w/in the blog content open in new windows, AUTOMATICALLY (i.e. no editing quicktags.js, no manually putting target=”_blank”).

    Put this in your <head> tag: <base target="_blank" href="https://www.yoursite.com/path/to/wp" />. It’s XHTML compliant too.

    <base target=”_blank” /> would open *all links* in a new window. I would like that only links inside posts open in a new window.

    Retract those fangs VK! The initial question was limited to “within the blog content” besides WP focuses on web standards and the support should therein reflect such. Would an artist instruct someone on how to deface his or her artwork? Of course not! This is IMnotsoHO ??

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