If a new page has a different Parent page, it behaves properly.
I put together a list of the plugins and noticed there is another Sidebar plugin by WooThemes. This was installed as part of the Premium Theme (Salbii) we are using and doesn’t seem to have the full functionality of the actual plugin. It is not showing up under Appearance >> Widget Areas as it normally would.
I can do some testing by disabling that WooThemes plugin. I’m not sure how it is being used in the theme or what it will affect if I disable it, but our site is not live yet, so the right time to test.
Here is a full list of plugins. The ones with an asterisk were installed with the Premium Theme:
Advanced Custom Fields
* Contact Form 7
Content Aware Sidebars
Easy Smooth Scroll Links
* Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress
EWWW Image Optimizer
jQuery Archive List Widget
* LayerSlider WP
* LBMN Projects
* Meta Box
Photo Gallery
PHP Code Widget
Posts By Tag
Pullout Widgets
* Revolution Slider
* Rotating Tweets (Twitter widget & shortcode)
Simply Exclude
Testimonials by Aihrus
* Tfingi Megamenu Plugin
TinyMCE Advanced
* Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer
W3 Total Cache
* WooSidebars
* WordPress Importer
* WPBakery Visual Composer
WP Maintenance Mode
WP Sitemap Page