Auto Rollback
If Auto Rollback is setup?–
What does this mean
Does it mean that the system goes back to where it was before a backup starts?? No harm, no foul?
That it reverts to the previous backup which was completed by Total Upkeep?? What if there wasn’t one??
This is an ambiguous feature and I believe SHOULD NOT be automatically enabled UNLESS it only goes back to when that specific backup was attempted to be created, but certainly never to one done previously unless requested.
Hi @braintraincoach thanks for taking a moment to ask us about the Auto Rollback feature.
I created a 4 minute video to walk you through how the Auto Rollback feature works. If you have the time, it would be great if you could watch!
To summarize the video…
If you have Auto Update enabled:
- On WordPress pages where you can perform updates, at the top of the page will be a “Backup” button. Click that button to make a backup before making any updates.
- When the backup is complete, perform your updates.
- When the updates are done, you’ll see a 15 minute countdown. You should test your website. If everything is OK, click “Cancel” to cancel the rollback. You site will stay as is. If you don’t like the changes made to your site after the updates however, click “Rollback” to restore the backup you made in step 1 above. If you do nothing, after the 15 minute timer ends, your website will be restored. This is useful for times where the update has crashed your site and you’re unable to login and make any changes.
I hope this helps answer your question! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. Thanks!
– BradOhh…. this one is a beast of a problem.
I did turn off the Auto Rollback as I distrust it conceptually given the serious problems I have experienced.
Now – well, I watched the video; it is what I thought. I had interpreted how it is supposed to work correctly.
I attempt a Restore from Backup. I’ve tried it and it ran successfully from at least 2 different, current backups in my attempts on Friday to solve a random site reversion to a previous state – some crazy backup restore??? Maybe my Backup Manager from In Motion Hosting?
Anyway, NOW I GET MY SITE LOCKED OUT as a FATAL ERROR occurred within a minute of running the Restore. Since I don’t have the Auto Rollback Enabled, it is now sending my email Fatal Error Messages every 15 minutes because it is searching for that Rollback or something.
AND, my login is locked out.
Here is the complete error message.
Please help solve this. I can send screenshots of my process and many attempts to previously Restore.
I ran this before and did not get an error message.
A Site Check has failed. You should check your site and can perform a manual restoration.
For help, please visit:
You can manage notifications in your WordPress admin panel, under Total Upkeep Settings at: message:
Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method WP_Site_Health::get_instance() in /home/stress7/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/stress7/ require_once()
#1 /home/stress7/ require_once(‘/home/stress7/b…’)
#2 /home/stress7/ require(‘/home/stress7/b…’)
#3 {main}
thrown in /home/stress7/ on line 524Failed Site Check for
Brain Train Coach
9:15 PM (38 minutes ago)
Hello, A Site Check has failed. You should check your site and can perform a manual restoration. For help, please visit:
Brain Train Coach
9:30 PM (23 minutes ago)
Hello, A Site Check has failed. You should check your site and can perform a manual restoration. For help, please visit:
Brain Train Coach <[email protected]>
9:45 PM (8 minutes ago)
to BrainI cannot access my site.
I cannot get in touch with Inmotionhosting support.
Is there any other way I can run the Manual Restoration myself?
I did download the Backup Zip file to my own computer.
An addendum, I’ve used 2 different 3rd party Backup and Restore Plugins with this same WordPress site successfully in the past. I had a 4-5 year subscription I just let wane this last week BECAUSE I had both Backup Manager from InMotionHosting and the Total Upkeep Plugin. I had 2 backup methods, so I let go of the 3rd and quit using it only 1 week before what date my system got reverted to incorrectly.
So – nothing was amiss before April 30. I spent 4-5 hours with InMotionHosting Tech support and performed 5 restore attempts from both aforementioned services.
Thus, it is one of these 2 services causing this problem and the new error is 100% related to Total Upkeep and the Restore attempt just made (from a file I verified was available), so what can be the problem? What can be a solution?
I am anxiously awaiting a fix.
Hi @braintraincoach, I’m really sorry to hear about the issues you’re having, and I’m sure I can help get this resolved with you.
Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method WP_Site_Health::get_instance() in /home/stress7/
It sounds like you’re missing some core WordPress files. If you have SSH access, I recommend using WP-CLI to reinstall WordPress. This will restore all core WordPress files. The command to do so is:
wp core install --skip-content --force
We also have backup / restore processes available via WP-CLI too. If you want to restore a backup from the command line, please see:
Finally, if none of the above help, please email [email protected] and reference me (Brad) and this forum thread / and I’ll see what we can do to help further.
– BradHi @braintraincoach were you able to get everything resolved?
No, I was not.
It is a fatal flaw and the problems escalated with the Site Health Check and/or Automatic Rollback Feature as written into the wp-settings.php file, I guess by Total Upkeep plugin, in a module added in the installation caused signficant and fatal flaws causing the site to crash. And, it locked up the wp dashboard login such that tech support and command line ssh or terminal based wp-core restoration processes were needed to get the site unlocked.
An attempt to use Total Upkeep Restoration again, in part of a single variable mode sequential process to test Backup Manager and various components of the WP site and my own backup and restore processes brought this fatal flaw site lock up, lock down into play again.
I’ve been forced to abandon use of Total Upkeep and advise everyone to do the same.
I’ll follow with a writeup of what I did and what happened in the next post. Perhaps, something positive can be found in it from my many hours and multiple days of lost work and wasted time.
I’ll go back to using Updraft Plus – which I’ve used successfully every week for many years and used successfully to restore from any plugin or wordpress update problems in those years.
Good luck to you.
braintraincoach (.com)This is what was written to InMotionHosting Tech support as part of a quick summary:
good luck finding how, what and why I lost 2 weeks or more of data and none of 3 Total Upkeep and none of 3 Backup Manager backup restorations solved them. It is an impossibility in my logical mind, but it happened.
I’ve had an online business for 15 years. I’ve never had a ‘real’ problem with restoring properly made backups via anything on any site or any computer I’ve ever owned.
This is a conundrum. But not one I have the time to pursue.
The Automatic Rollback is a good idea. Evidently, the process and execution has fatal flaws in the logic and execution therein.
Evidence from my use proved that it is the likely culprit (Backup Manager is the other) in a time-warp reversion to earlier states of the website.
{NOTE: This caused me great harm. I wasted at least 10 hours and still have other work to ‘re-do’ on site pages.}Instead of taking a snapshot backup and if there was a problem in the plugin update, it goes back to the immediate pre-update state, it did NOT go back to the pre-plugin state. It seemed to revert to an earlier state, or it crashed my site. (site crashes happened in using the restore function of the plugin)
Ultimately, somehow, 1 of those 2 programs moved my site back almost 3 weeks out of nowhere and without my knowledge or even possible involvement. This happened either the night of the 30th or the morning of May 1. Orders were placed and processed on the 29th and work was done on the 30th such that I KNOW the site databases and orders were up to date: no problems would have been anticipated.
I had 3 or more backups in both Backup Manager and Total Upkeep from all different days, such as Ap 20,23, 25, 27, 29 and 30. Attempts to RESTORE to any and all of these backups with each program DID NOT restore my site and the databases therein, such as the customer accounts, orders, coupon codes (woocommerce) or product pages to any of those dates, but locked them back to this time-warped date pre-20th.
6 hours and multiple support people were put into action on May 1 when I opened the orders database and saw this anomaly.
An InMotion System Backup based restore was requested but denied such that a separate request had to be put in to the system. 3 days later it was still unfulfilled. Thus, as we both know, system backups are overwritten every 24 hours.
On Sunday May 3, I contacted Tech Support again. Multiple efforts were again examined and attempted. At one point, I turned off Automatic Rollback. This is also connected to Site Health Check.
The NEXT ATTEMPT to RESTORE to the Total Upkeep April 29 backup resulted in a system crash and an fatal error which showed wp-setttings.php line 522 as the cause. This is the BEGINNING of the MODULE for Site Health Check.
I note with great imperative importance that when the Automatic Rollback feature was in its default enabled state, I performed multiple restores using Total Upkeep and none of them caused any errors, let alone a site crash and admin login lockout.
Thus, all signs point to these 2 parts of Total Upkeep.
2+ hours later, I ended the tech support call with a yet unsolved problem.
At 9 pm on Sunday May 3rd, I decided to look at all the possible causes and continue my scripted, single variable at a time testing of the site backups and restores for each of the Backup Manager and Total Upkeep problems.
On one of these efforts, an ATTEMPT to RESTORE to the Total Upkeep April 29 backup resulted in a system crash and an fatal error which showed wp-setttings.php line 522 as the cause. This is the BEGINNING of the MODULE for Site Health Check.
One of the features of this plugin Site Health Check is to do a 15 minute check. If the USER does not click OK on a radio button within 15 minutes, the Total Upkeep Automatic Rollback Feature will do just that – rollback if there is no user action even if there was not a problem with the site. A fatal flaw it seems comes from this feature and function.
Thus, as there was an error, the RESTORE should have reverted the site back after 15 minutes and the site would be right again, right? WRONG.
Instead, it sends me an email from its operational process which states and restates that there is a fatal flaw in the site, that the SITE HEALTH CHECK FAILED.
SEE previous screenshots, but I’ll add one now, too.
THEN, every 15 minutes, it keeps processing and sending this message.
Therefore, Total Upkeep AND SITE HEALTH CHECK are running, even though the Error states that this module at that specific line in the wp-settings.php file is the specific place of the fatal flaw which is causing the site not only to crash via any url (except the homepage by the way!!!z). BUT, it also is locking out any dashboard login, too.
So, I look up potential troubleshooting efforts as per the links enclosed in that email message. They don’t work. BUT, an auxiliary page tells me to go into my hosting account and file manager to RENAME the PLUGIN FOLDER such that it DISABLES the PLUGIN.
I do this.
The every 15 minute emails detailing this error stop.
Therefore, the Site Health Check and Total Upkeep Plugin process should then be stopped and discontinue, correct?
I’m still working with tech support, on hold, or in the chat with them……my nightmare of hours of working on this continues.
At some point in time, as tech support is evaluating this problem, I decide that I better put the PLUGIN BOLD GRID BACKUP back to its original state such that InMotion Tech Support can properly evaluate the site and the isse.
What happens?
You guessed it. The every 15 minute Site Health Check and fatal flaw emails – which only began, and as I understand, are only supposed to run via the plugin activation and running – begin again. I ge this every 15 minutes to my inbox.
After 2.5 hrs, tech support with help from the escalation advanced support department found an article relating to this problem and wp-core. A command line, backend restore or reinitiallization of the wp-core brought my site back online and allowed me to login as the admin again.
On Monday, May 4, I decided to try one more time to see if I can use Backup Manager and/or Total Upkeep to get my lost data and orders back. I also wanted to see which of these new programs might work prior to going back to the Updraft Plus Plugin I had successfully used for years prior to deactivating it in mid -April after these 2 new backup methods were introduced to me automatically and by tech support advice in April of this year.
Again, I have a scripted, single variable process I was sequentially, diligently, in the engineering process I know following it and testing the site backups and restores..
When I attempted to restore using Total Upkeep via the April 29 Backup, again, it completely crashed the site and all access was denied based on that same error which is enclosed and leads to the conclusions I made.
Again, I had to call tech support + use the chat and stay on hold for a lengthy time and explain, again, all the ‘stuff’ and finally the same wp-core maneuver was done to bring my site back live.
By the way, this time, I had re-enabled the Automatic Rollback and Site Health Check Test before doing this restore as I thought it woudl be safe. It wasn’t
What a nightmare.
DO NOT recommend Total Upkeep.
I know it is a recommendation strategy as Bold Grid and Total Upkeep are part of the Inmotionhosting operational process and another revenue stream.
It is also a fatal flaw.
I’ll be posting and re-posting and reviewing and reviewing and likely cease to be an Inmotionhosting customer after 10 years (or more) of being a loyal user.
I no longer have any time to devote to this issue and will not post regarding it.
I do not recommend Total Upkeep based on my experiences.
Good luck to the well-meaning developers of this plugin and all its satisfied users.
I wish you well in finding the flaw and creating a solution, Brad.
P.S. I’ve removed email notices on this specific thread
Hi @braintraincoach,
P.S. I’ve removed email notices on this specific thread
You’re probably not going to see this message, so I guess I’m writing for anyone else who may be reading this forum thread on WordPress…
I’m really sorry to hear about the poor experience you’ve had with both InMotion Hosting and Total Upkeep. The whole purpose of Total Upkeep is to save websites from this scenario, but it looks like we weren’t able to help.
It’s a little hard to chime in on the specifics of this issue as all the troubleshooting was done by the InMotion Hosting Tech Support team, but I want to make sure that we can learn something and grow from this experience.
Anyway, NOW I GET MY SITE LOCKED OUT as a FATAL ERROR occurred within a minute of running the Restore.
One idea is that we hit up your site and record any error messages before making a backup. This will help determine if the backup you’re trying to restore is actually of a good working website.
If you or anyone else has additional ideas, I’m more than happy to listen.
– Brad-
This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by
Brad Markle.
I got your message.
I completely understand you and believe in your empathy and level of desire.
I’ll reiterate: all indications are that Total Upkeep not only did not prevent or provide a fallback security or resolution to this site database and operational functionality, maintenance of client and order information and work performed –
BUT THAT IT CAUSED IT through the Automatic Rollback and Site Health Functionality.
I had other instances of weird short term reversion of woocommerce coupon code creations disappearing prior to the customer putting them to use. This happened a few times the week of the bigger problem of the site completing, somehow reverting back to two weeks prior.
In the Covid crisis, I’m offering 1-1 discounts to people with whom I’ve spoken on the phone. I create a specific coupon code for them for a product and amount. I send them the code via email. By practice, by rote habit, I exit, then go back to check codes to make sure they are entered correctly (spelled right, correct product applied).
Customer emails, code did not work.
I go back to WooCommerce Coupon page.
Code is gone.
I create code 2nd time. This time, I go into a separate browser and pull up product and apply code as guest in system and look at checkout page in test scenario. Code there. Correct product. Code works.
Email customer.
Next day – customer emails. Did not work.
I go into dashboard and WooCommerce, Coupons. Code not there. No Coupon created.
NOW, I think. I did update plugins. I think I recall seeing something in the process with Total Upkeep…..not sure. Not a big deal.
I have always backed up my site, by setting through Updraft Plus, every single time when doing any single update of any single plugin. I also run full backups prior to any WP update. I have weekly Sunday morning full backups.
I ran similar full backups with Backup Manager and Total Upkeep in the April 15-30 timeframe in question. I ONLY used Total Upkeep starting in April. Similarly, Backup Manager is new. Unfortunately, as they seemed to be working correctly, I disabled Updraft Plus and did not renew it on its yearly renewal date of April 30. Thus, I did not have any backups past the 15th to use for them.
Back to the plugins and the coupon code problem. Thus, I KNOW that on 2 occasions for 2 different customers this occurred in the week in question. AND, I KNOW 100% that I even took a SCREENSHOT of it being active during the test and then finding out it was gone in my system the next day.
So – this led me to do the April 30th look with inMotionHosting, their Backup Manager and then Total Upkeep after that to see how this could have happened.
Unfortunately, somehow my whole site reverted back post all work last week and this problem became evident and extensive.
So, to make it abundantly clear. Good idea. BUT something in your Rollback and Site Health Check coding caused a random, unintended rollback to a previous backup state, not the most recent backup, nor the state of site record at the time of the plugin update or attempt to Restore.
That is the only possible cause.
And, as further examination continued, step-by-step, it seems to point to that culprit.
Don’t tag or match me on this topic as I’m not interested in hearing from you or InMotionHosting on this subject again. I’ve still got corrections to make from the problems it caused and I’ve lost at least 10 hours worth of potential productivity and income.
Again. I’ll use my trusted backup program: UpdraftPlus – although I have no affiliation or desire to promote them. Free cost me $500 or more of my valuable time and a lot of frustration.
I’m done.
But, since I’m in the system, I’ll leave my ratings officially.
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