• I am using the Register Plus Redux plugin (which is great) but I want to have the users automatically logged-in after they fill in the registration form, and then redirect them to a page on the site.

    Is there a way to do this? (Right now it wants users to login after registration, which, if they’ve already created an id and password, seems an extra step.)


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  • U have the same requirement. Has anyone figured this out?

    I almost had this working with the following code that i found on theme-my-login, which I also use, but there was a conflict with RPR … the conflict resulted in none of my RPR field information making it to the user profile and i was no longer receiving my new user notifications…

    i added this to the end of the register-plus-redux.php

    function tml_new_user_registered( $user_id ) {
        wp_set_auth_cookie( $user_id, false, is_ssl() );
        wp_redirect( 'https://mysite.com/congrats' );
    add_action( 'tml_new_user_registered', 'tml_new_user_registered' );

    I’m trying to get auto-login with Register Plus Redux, but no luck so far. All I can manage to do is generate php errors. ??

    I believe I am using wp-auto-login to achieve this….

    What is wp_auto_login ? I’d really appreciate any guidance at all you could give me.

    Thanks so much!

    Sorry, I forgot that I didn’t get this from the wordpress plugins…

    some aussies were kind enough to write a plug-in and shared it through their site…. i remember it took a couple hours to get through this, and I usually don’t take modules from other repositories, in this case i did

    here’s where i found it:

    Interesting! I’ll definitely check this out. Thanks for the help.

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