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  • Hi there.

    I would be interested as well. Additionally: how to imoprt pictures for all already existing movies “at once”?

    Thanks so far

    Images autoimport is scheduled for version 3.0, yes, along with multiple posters import and using custom/existing images as backdrops/posters.

    No plan for a “all at once” importer, though, and I doubt I’ll ever build one considering how harmful a feature that can be: even with human-sized libraries, say a couple hundreds movies, that’s potentially thousands of files to download and process in a single shot…

    I see.

    What do think about following workaround?

    I exported all movie titles via SQL from the DB.
    Prior to the update i would deinstall the old version of the plugin to have all entries and files deleted.
    Installing the new version and then re-importing all movies in seperate parts….

    But you are right, when i see my 1500 entries…there will be a lot of pics with a lot of needed space….

    Plugin Author Charlie Merland


    Wow! With an average of 10 backdrops per movie, and considering WordPress will created a minimum of four files for each single backdrop (original, large, medium and thumbnail, and that’s only is your theme/plugins didn’t add their own image sizes!) we’re talking about 60.000 files and tens of thousands SQL queries! That’s quite harsh to your hosting company, if it even manage to work without timing out ??

    You’re right, we are talking about a huge number of files and queries.
    But i will try, as i’m hosting my web at home on my own server.
    So it there is someone to blame on me, it’s me ??

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