• Hey there,

    I believe I found a bug in your plugin under “/woocommerce-category-banner/woocommerce-category-banner.php”

    Line 172, has a conditional statement that does not allow a user to use the function “wcb_show_category_banner”. The logic is as follows

    if((isset($term_options[‘auto_display_banner’]) && $term_options[‘auto_display_banner’] == ‘on’) || !isset($term_options[‘auto_display_banner’]))

    This works fine if auto_display_banner is set to on, but the problem is with the OR part of this conditional where it’s checking if auto_display_banner is not set, which does not hold because auto_display_banner is in fact set, but set to the string literal “off”, simply changing this line to:

    if((isset($term_options[‘auto_display_banner’]) && $term_options[‘auto_display_banner’] == ‘on’) || $term_options[‘auto_display_banner’] == ‘off’)

    should resolved this issue.

    Much thanks,


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