• Resolved casbboy


    I have a sitewide sale, and figured an auto-apply coupon is better than doing a sale price. But, there is one thing that sucks about it. I can’t override it with other coupons.

    I have an administrator coupon for giving special deals, and when I put that into the coupon option, it is accepted, but I can’t place the order, as the auto-apply coupon comes back as default and fights me.

    Is there a way to remove the auto-applied coupon? Seems like a handy thing to be able to do that in the checkout area.

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  • Plugin Support Fauzan Azizie


    Hi @casbboy,

    As you are using the auto-apply feature, it seems that you are our premium customers.

    Just to let you know, we follow the guidelines set out by WordPress and we are unable to offer support to our premium users through this forum. However, we have a dedicated support channel for our premium users which you can access by clicking on this link: https://advancedcouponsplugin.com/submit-support-ticket/

    One of our support people will help you with this issue there.


    Thread Starter casbboy


    I tried that. I put in my license key and email and the problem, but your contact form just does the sending animation and then doesn’t send. I’m stuck on your support form. Hence why I’m here.

    I just need to figure out why an auto-apply coupon overrides every other coupon, even when added shortly before submitting the order. I can’t get around the auto-apply coupon and have to disable it to use other coupons.

    Plugin Support Fauzan Azizie


    Hi @casbboy,

    I just tried and it seems that our contact form is working fine at the moment. Could you please try to resend it again?

    Also, could you please try it in an incognito mode browser?

    Thread Starter casbboy


    Finally got your form to work. The coupon has been such a nightmare that I gave this plugin 1-star for the time being.

    Doesn’t seem appropriate to give the free version of the plugin a bad rating due to an issue with a Pro-only feature?

    Plugin Support Fauzan Azizie


    Hi @casbboy,

    I haven’t heard anything from you since 3 weeks ago so I thought that the issue was resolved.

    We might have a few workarounds that you can do. However, as I mentioned previously that we can’t provide support for our premium plugin here due to WordPress forum regulations.

    You mentioned that our form is finally working for you. Have you been able to send your support inquiry? I couldn’t find any ticket that might be yours so if you could send another one with a link to this thread, it would be great to help us identify you.

    Looking forward to helping you with this.

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