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  • Thread Starter faithx5


    Sorry, code for the link is

    <a href="https://[site]/author/<?php the_author_login() ?>">



    Are you sure that his actual WP username is “andrew”? Not just his displayname? Because if his login username is “andrew” then that’s what should show with that code.

    WordPress has several author tags for displaying author names in posts (nicename, nickname, displayname), but they all link back to a URL of this format –


    I agree that this looks fugly, and if you’ve actually tried to give users secure logins then it’s a security hole, because there is the login displayed for all the world to see.

    There is no way to change that URL for that user unless you hack into the WordPress core, which is not for the fainthearted.

    A simpler option could be to create a new user with the login “andrew” and then delete the user with the login “admin” and assign all those posts to Andrew (it’s a standard option when deleting a user). Then he’ll have an author URL that looks just like all the other authors.

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