• Resolved lanboran


    Tweet Author Text link (@christisgospel) is incorrect. It should be @hasanmez18
    You can check it at homepage of my website.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Smash Balloon Louis


    Hi @lanboran,

    Thank you for reaching out to us for assistance. I checked https://mesih.org/ and I see the @christisgospel appearing in the header (https://a.supportally.com/5xrgYh). The text displayed here comes from the “Bio” section of your Twitter profile, and this does appear as @christisgospel on Twitter for the MES?H/@hasanmez18 profile.

    To change this, you would need to edit the Bio section of your Twitter profile, and then you can update the feed by going to WordPress Dashboard > Twitter Feed > Settings > Feeds and click Clear All Caches.

    For the individual posts where the Twitter handle is shown, this does appear to be correct: https://a.supportally.com/5qCRy7

    ?If this does not resolve the issue, or if you need any other assistance, please let me know.

    ?Best regards,


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