Author-date order in bibliographies
I use Zotero to manage c. 2,500 references. I use Zotpress to selectively present these in references lists and bibliographies on my website.
Zotpress is fantastic and I can’t thank Katie enough for creating and maintaining it. However, I have encountered the following problem with Zotpress when creating a Bibliography using shortcode such as the following:
[zotpress collection=”CQS8JT3N” tag=”history” sortby=”author” order=”asc”]
Items are sorted correctly in order of their authors; but multiple publications by the same author are not in date order. An extract from one of my pages will suffice to illustrate this:
- Tarasov, Nik. 2000. “Neues von Beethoven [News of Beethoven]: 1 Teil. Csakan-Recherchen in Beethovens Konversationsheften. [Csakan Researches in Beethoven’s Conversation Books]. 2 Teil. Csakan-Recherchen beim gro?en Wiener Klassiker [Csakan Researches on the Great Viennese Classical Composer].” Windkanal, 3: 6–10; 4: 6–9.
- Tarasov, Nik. 2007. “Bach and the Recorder. Part 1: Bach in Mühlhausen, Wemar, K?then. Part 2: Bach in Leipzig.” Translated by Ursula Burchette. Windkanal.
- Tarasov, Nik. 2009. “Literaturliste: Neueditionen von Originalwerken aus Klassik & Romantik in zeitlicher Reihenfolge ihres Ersterscheinens [New Editions of Original Works from the the Classic and Romantic Periods in Chronological Order of their First Publication].” Mollenhauer.
- Tarasov, Nik. 1999. “Vivaldis 4. Flautinokonzert [Vivaldi’s 4th Recorder Concerto].” Windkanal, no. 4: 6–9.
- Tarasov, Nik. 2000. “A New Flautino Concerto by Vivaldi?” American Recorder 41 (2): 12–14.
- Tarasov, Nik. 2009. “H?ndel & Blockfl?te [Handel and the Recorder].” Windkanal, no. 4: 8–14.
- Tarasov, Nik. 2005. “Die Blockfl?te bei Bach. 1 Teil: Bach in Mühlhausen, Weimark, K?then [Bach and the recorder. Part 1: Bach in Mühlhausen, Wemar, K?then]. 2 Teil: Bach in Leipzig [Bach and the recorder. Part 2: Bach in Leipzig].” Windkanal, 2: 6–12; 3: 18–24.
- Tarasov, Nik. 2007. “Die ‘Mundlfl?te’ bei Richard Strauss.” Windkanal, no. 2: 26.
- Tarasov, Nik. 2007. “Mozart & Blockfl?te – Teil 1: Untersuchungen in Sachen Flauto piccolo oder Flautino. Teil 2: Das Flauto piccolo in der Entführung aus dem Serail.” Windkanal, 1: 8–15; 2: 14–20.
I would appreciate your help in resolving this.
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