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  • Hey Stefan,

    Thanks for creating this new topic. We are trying to track this issue at the moment to see any commonalities we might be able to between situations which appear to be similar. In order to do this, we want to collect as much information as possible. Can you give this consolidated information here in this thread?

    Things like:

    • Version of plugin
    • Version of WordPress
    • Host
    • Which particular step in using MailChimp appears to be failing. What piece of data are you having issues getting?
    • What message (if any) are you getting?

    It sounds as if your host (which was mentioned as being the same as a host in the previous thread) may be blocking some ingoing or outgoing traffic to MailChimp’s servers, so checking with your host about potential ports or traffic being blocked, thereby disrupting standard functionality.

    We appreciate any details you can provide.

    Thread Starter stefanpapp6662013


    Plugin-Version: 1.3
    Wordpress: 3.7.1
    Host: World4you

    Steps to reproduce
    1. Go to Settings->MailChimp Setup
    2. Connect to MailChimp by clicking connect and entering credentials
    * Expected: Account is logged in
    * Not expected/fail state: The lists are not visible

    I am using the german version. The message is: “Uh-oh, Sie haben noch keine Listen definiert! Bitte besuchen Sie MailChimp, melden Sie sich an und richten Sie eine Liste ein um dieses Tool zu benutzen!”

    Hey Stefan,

    I replied to your other post, but posting here just in case. I went ahead and sent ya a reply to the email you sent me. Feel free to post back here or reply to the email.


    Hi mc_tak!

    I have exactly the same bug as stefan.
    Are there any news on this?

    Thanks in advance!

    Only difference, I’m using Plugin Version 1.4.1

    By the way, I’ve tried another plugin (MailChimp for WP Lite), connecting via the api key didn’t work neither.

    KR Philipp

    Plugin-Version: 1.4.1
    Wordpress: 3.7.1
    Host: World4you

    Steps to reproduce
    1. Go to Settings->MailChimp Setup
    2. Connect to MailChimp by clicking connect and entering credentials
    * Expected: Account is logged in
    * Not expected/fail state: The lists are not visible

    I am using the german version. The message is: “Uh-oh, Sie haben noch keine Listen definiert! Bitte besuchen Sie MailChimp, melden Sie sich an und richten Sie eine Liste ein um dieses Tool zu benutzen!”

    Hey there,

    Since you’re seeing issues with both our plugin and the third party plugin which uses an API key, I’d recommend reaching out to your host to see if they’re blocking any outgoing connections/ports.

    Hey Mc_tak,

    I have the same issue,

    Plugin-Version: 1.4.1
    Wordpress: 3.6(en)
    Host: world4you

    could you please help us?

    Thanks a lot!

    so, here are my latest findings:

    world4you is blocking mailchimp web services by default, you have to ask the support for activation. (in my case, it only took 1hr ??

    custom web service calls and 3rd party plugins like MailChimp for WP Lite worked, but MailChimp List Subscribe Form still could not connect!

    Hey philipneu,

    Do you happen to know what they’re specifically blocking? And you mentioned that the plugin is still not working for you. Can you clarify whether you’re seeing the same “Uh-oh, Sie haben noch keine Listen..” issue or something different?

    Thread Starter stefanpapp6662013



    mc_tak: Can you send me the exact URL where the plugin connects to? World4you requests it to make sure they can open an outgoing connection.

    thank you!


    I talked with World4You. Here is their reply (in German). I guess google translate will translate it somewhat correctly.

    Externe Verbindungen werden standardm??ig blockiert.
    Wenn Sie uns die URL mitteilen wohin sich das Script verbinden will, k?nnen wir eine Freischaltung dieser dann prüfen.
    Eine generelle Freigabe ist nicht m?glich.

    Teilen Sie uns bitte das externe Ziel (ganz genaue URL) mit auf das sich das Script verbinden muss.
    Wir k?nnen eine Freischaltung dieses Ziels dann prüfen.

    Hey Stefan,

    For versions of the plugin 1.3+, you’ll want to have the host allow connections to “”.

    For versions of the plugin prior to 1.3, you’ll want to have them allow connections to “https://<dc&gt;”, where <dc> is the datacenter your account is on. Ex. “;. If you’re testing other third-party MailChimp plugins that use API keys and are seeing issues, you’ll want to follow these directions too.

    Let us know if there’s any additional questions or you’re still seeing any issues.


    Thread Starter stefanpapp6662013


    I talked with World4you, they answered that they can’t enable the URL in their system. The system engineer says the most probably reason is that the domain redirects to weiterleitet.

    Is there any other way?

    Hey Stefan,

    If that outgoing connection to that URL is being blocked, I’m afraid that the plugin won’t be able to work from version 1.3 onward. If they’re able to allow outgoing connections through the other URL that I posted (<your datacenter>,, you should be able to use version 1.2.14:

    Otherwise, you may consider trying the MailChimp embed code, which is outlined here:

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