I’m having the exact same issue. I have installed the plugin on 7 websites and it works perfectly except for 2 of them (same shared hosting plan).
– I’m logged in as admin
– The cname records exist for a long time
– I’m using the plugin version 5.7.1 with WordPress 5.8.1
I receive the message “Authentication failure! Please try again” when I check the checkbox : Generate SSL Certificate for both www & non-www version of domain.
If I uncheck this checkbox, I receive the message “Could not verify DNS records. Please check whether you have added above DNS records perfectly or try again after 5 minutes if you added DNS records just now. Upgrade to PRO version for fully automatic domain verification”.
Here is the debug log :
5.7.1 SINGLE DOMAIN SSL 1 - https://site.com
Domain covered:
[07-11-2021 20:15:10] :
LEClient finished constructing
Offering manual verification procedure.
https://dns.google.com/resolve?name=_acme-challenge.site.com&type=TXT should return YjV89cgWzM57_yvwha6pAyTkQ9C-EWg7ZbgkXXtoIe8 -> OK
Local check - All DNS challenges verified
https://dns.google.com/resolve?name=_acme-challenge.site.com&type=TXT should return YjV89cgWzM57_yvwha6pAyTkQ9C-EWg7ZbgkXXtoIe8 -> OK
Local check - All DNS challenges verified
https://dns.google.com/resolve?name=_acme-challenge.site.com&type=TXT should return YjV89cgWzM57_yvwha6pAyTkQ9C-EWg7ZbgkXXtoIe8 -> OK
Local check - All DNS challenges verified
The http challenge reports this error : “Could not verify HTTP challenges. Please check whether HTTP challenge files uploaded to acme-challenge folder is publicly accessible. Some hosts purposefully block BOT access to acme-challenge folder, please try DNS based verification. Upgrade to PRO version for fully automatic domain verification.”
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much for sharing this plugin.
This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by