• Hello, let me begin by saying OMG, this plugin has the potential to help lead a revolution in online broadcasting* so please do not stop servicing the plugin.

    WordPress Operating Environment

    SEO/Cache Problem
    After spending the weekend attempting various manners in which to achieve persistent audio and failing miserably, I stumbled on to this plugin, in hopes that it could be a legitimate solution.

    As such, I initially themed the heck out of it using the skin from my previous attempt at an iFrame. However through my various hours of testing, I had purposefully entered a line of text into the header.php, specifically, “This should not be so difficult” that was literally deleted from the header 5 minutes prior to skinning AudioBar, yet the line persisted regardless of:

    • clearing browser cache
    • clearing WP-Super Cache
    • deactivated all other plugins

    Next, I changed the theme from LaunchEffect to the WordPress default, 2013, reloaded the page and yet the LaunchEffect theme loaded into the browser. Deleted the LaunchEffect theme, reloaded the browser and it still showed the now deleted theme.

    Well Ms. Fancy-Pants, maybe YOUR customization broke the plugin
    It occurred to me that perhaps my heavy skinning had broke the plugin, thus I deactivated the AudioBar plugin, reloaded the browser and finally the 2013 theme appeared in the browser.

    Note: Changes in the AudioBar iframe were always reflected immediately, only the Content iframe, became stale during my testing.

    Therefore, I deleted my modified version of the AudioBar plugin, reinstalled the stock version and poof, right back to displaying a deleted theme. Thereafter, I went into my cPanel file manager and noticed massive amounts of cached files being generated without a cache plugin. Deleted every cache file, the Cache folder on the server, then edited the wp-config.php file, and changed define(‘WP_CACHE’, true) to define(‘WP_CACHE’, false);

    Next, I reloaded the AudioBar plugin and ta-dah, no more problems: change themes, reload, perfect – skin the theme, reload, changes reflected immediately.

    So How Does this also Relate to SEO?
    My hypothesis is that whatever incompatibility exists between wp-cache WP-Super Cache/AudioBar result in the page being skipped by Google/Bing spiders as the page is reporting no-change.

    In conclusion, I again implore the developers to figure out this riddle and hope my long-winded explanation may prove to be of some help.



    *P.S. Just an additonal f.y.i. as to why I need the player to be flash and not HTML 5 The current implementation of HTML 5 does not allow for a stream being broadcast Live! to be real time when a user clicks the pause button as the stream will start off right where it was paused in lieu of buffering back to real-time.


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