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  • If it’s this audio player…

    It hasn’t been updated in nearly 2 years…not going to work with the current version of WP. That is unfortunate…I used that player years ago and really liked it. I haven’t found anything else comparable yet…if you do find something like it that works, please post back and let us know.

    There was an attempt to update it last year it seems, but that seems to have been abandoned as well…

    I was just wondering about this… I’ve seen it working fine on other sites, I wonder what they are doing.

    i cannot figure out how to put an mp3 file into a post. Every forum tells me to do the short code [audio URL], but nothing ever shows up. even if I use the little button to embed an mp3 up in the toolbar, it won’t show up when I publish. any ideas?

    I have having the same problem, nothing I have tried works at all.
    They only thing that appears is the actual code for the link.
    Very frustrating.
    Is there an alternate Mp3 player someone could recommend?
    I have upgraded to the most recent version of WP.

    Thanks Clayton, but i am still getting the same issues.
    Only code shows up, or a link to the actual MP3 file.
    I wonder if the player is compatible with the latest version of WP?

    I actually created a new blog with the same links.
    Still no luck.

    I wonder if the player is compatible with the latest version of WP?

    Yes. I’m using it now on several 2.8.6 installs. Pay particular attention to the audio directory file path in the setup page, and then how to actually insert the player instance. If you are absolutely sure that you have followed the setup and insert correctly, your theme may be missing a plugin hook in header.php, But I don’t think you have any of those symptoms. Take a look at this thread.

    It will work. I used it on a client. I did a review of the plugin on WP Addict –

    Make sure your template has before the ending head tag in your template:

    <?php wp_head(); ?>

    If you are having problems with your page saying that you need to enable javascript and such… that will hopefully solve the issue. It did in my case.

    Yes, as blondishnet suggests, it is possible that the plugin hook, <?php wp_head(); ?> that I referred you to (if you follow the link in my last post) could be missing, but like I said, I don’t think you have mentioned any of the symptoms that usually lead to that conclusion. Those would quite often be an error message asking you to install the flash player, or as blondishnet noted, an error advising you that javascript may not be enabled in your browser. If you care to mention what theme you are using, or maybe a link to your site, someone could take a quick look and see.

    For some reason my audio player does not show up on the main page but it does show up on the post when you go to its indiviual page. I typed in [audio:filename] into the html version of the post. My website is Does anyone have any ideas what the issue could be. Thanks!

    It seems you have another player up, when I looked at the code of your site. Did you try removing that and then trying the WP Audio

    Do you have the php inclusion for wp_head code, as mentioned above, in your header.php (before your ending head html tag) template?

    So is the consensus that the shortcode [audio] no longer works? I followed the instructions to the letter on the WP Codex documentation and nothing shows. That’s a shame if it doesn’t…



    Hi everybody,
    I’m trying to do a web radio on wordpress, anybody knows if audio palyer can read files .pls or urls like https://ip.add.ress:8053/listen.pls ?

    I’m producing a portfolio through wordpress. I’ve got a few audio files to put up which I’m displaying with audio player.

    It’s displaying on the page but when I press play it’s giving me a ‘File Not Found’ message on the player.

    Here’s a link to one of the audio files..

    [audio src="" /]

    Which I insert into the post using..


    And you can view the end result here..

    Any thoughts? I don’t have the foggiest re; what’s going on, the link is good but the flash player isn’t getting it for some reason. ‘File Not Found’ and all that



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