• Resolved MikeRO85


    Hi again,

    First the bug, then the request ??
    The bug: Enable bulk download, enable audio playback option (extended), play the audio file, select any point in the audio playback (buffer), see that the row is selected as if selecting for bulk download (selecting any place on the buffer line will select/deselect the row).
    Request: Is there any way you can add a RSS to the plugin? Either globally or on every row?


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  • Thread Starter MikeRO85


    Good question. A perfect answer would be to auto update the RSS feed,witch is easy cuz it’s a temporary file witch updates the current information based on a fixed (or dynamic) time frame (every 5, 10 minutes, 1 hour..). But then remains the problem with the RSS feed reader, don’t know if it could auto update the RSS feed on it’s own. So little problem, the feed you have will have different information then the feed it offers (the link is valid, but bot the title) and the big problem is exactly that, all the information in the RSS feed reader is outdated (is it can’t auto update). So pros and cons ??

    Plugin Author thomstark


    I don’t understand your concept of temporary rss files. I also am not sure it’s possible to have more than one rss file in a single directory.

    Thread Starter MikeRO85


    I don’t understand your concept of temporary rss files.

    Ok, so temporary xml files is a no no (was just a idea). As i said, i’m not a programmer, so i don’t know much about how files are made, i was just simply saying that maybe it could be done, just like the temporary image thumbnails you use.

    I also am not sure it’s possible to have more than one rss file in a single directory.

    So there is no possible way to make it happen? It would be nice, but if can’t be done, then maybe just go with the single directory? In other words, it would work only if i make new directory (A10, A11..)?

    Plugin Author thomstark


    I’m still trying to figure out if it’s possible to store multiple rss feeds (xml files) in the same directory. I don’t think it is, but I can’t find anybody addressing the question directly. The alternative is to create new directories for each sub-directory on your server, create those new directories in a parent named “rss” or something, but name the directories with a microtimestamp, and then in the actual directories that you want to monitor, have a file like a csv file that my script could read, in which that timestamp is stored, so when we do the scan for the new files in that directory, it writes the xml file to the rss/uniquetimestamp directory that it corresponds to. Seems excessive (basically doubling the number of directories on your server, at least within the sub-directories of the specified furthest-back parent directory marked for monitoring), but it’s the only way I can think to achieve it. In this scenario, the feeds would not recurse into sub-directories. There would just be one feed per directory, relating only to the files (not the folders) in that directory.

    And no, it would not be limited to new directories you create. It would be a scheduled scan of all directories on the server that are children of the parent directory specified.

    Plugin Author thomstark


    public_html > wp-admin (ignored)
    public_html > wp-includes (ignored)
    public_html > wp-content > uploads (uploads marked for monitoring)
    public_html > rss (hundreds of sub-directories for feeds stored here)
    public_html > myfiles > (myfiles marked for monitoring)

    The parent directories marked for monitoring: their sub-dirs would each have their own feed.

    That’s the only approach I can think of at the moment that might work.

    Thread Starter MikeRO85


    Not sure if i follow, but if you think if it can be done, go for it ??
    I for one don’t mind if the rss folder creates hundreds of subfolders, it’s not like it creates 1GB files each ??

    Plugin Author thomstark


    Well I was wrong. I just tested it with sample xml files. You can store multiple feeds in one directory.

    Plugin Author thomstark


    So basically this… (cont’d)

    Thread Starter MikeRO85


    Well that’s great! So does this mean you can link the RSS feeds to every file uploaded (or existing)?

    Plugin Author thomstark


    myfiles > sub1 > feedlocation.csv
    myfiles > sub2 > feedlocation.csv
    myfiles > sub2 > subsub1 > feedlocation.csv

    Each feedlocation.csv contains the permanent feed name of the xml file, which would be a microtimestamp, like 182943494923740937524 or something.

    Then you would choose the location of your rss folder in your File Away settings. In that directory, all the xml feed files would be stored.

    myrss > 3485734985734985739.xml
    myrss > 4795495734957349574.xml
    myrss > 5349545734237434957.xml

    So then if the monitored directories get renamed, it doesn’t matter because the feedname is based on the timestamp from when the first feed for that directory was first created. It’s stored in feedlocation.csv within the directory, and tells the name of the .xml file to write to in the myrss directory.

    Plugin Author thomstark


    Yes, all files would be monitored whether uploaded using File Up or not. And you’ll be able to specify in your Global Settings what kinds of files (or specific filenames and directories) not to monitor.

    Thread Starter MikeRO85


    Wow, that sounds great! You are a Godsend!
    Maybe i can help you by translating your plugin /in my language (Romanian), that is if it’s not already done ??

    Plugin Author thomstark


    Don’t have Romanian yet. Please do.

    Thread Starter MikeRO85


    Don’t have Romanian yet. Please do.

    Will do! Just point my on how to do it, is there a link, do i just edit/creat a file and send it to you?

    Plugin Author thomstark


    Instructions are on the FAQ page here.

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