• afinstrom


    I have added attributes “Webbing Size” and “Webbing Color” each has several variations. I select variable product, add these both of these attributes. I check, “Use for Variations.” I click “select all.” I then click “Link all Variations” and they show up. I have also tried adding individual variations manually. The variations are enabled and I do have stock amounts set.

    On the front end what I get is two drop down options, one for each attribute. Except all I get is “Choose options…” I can NOT get the variations to load correctly!

    I have now tried from scratch with two totally seperate products and sets of attributes and variations.

    As a note, when I set it up for a simple product and add attributes and check “Visible on Product Page” all that show up are the first variations of each attribute.


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  • I was having the same problem a while back and in order to get it working on my custom theme I had to:

    1. Include the contents of /my-theme/woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart/variable.php to my single-product.php (Not pretty, I know)
    2. Insert some code into single-product.php to get it working. The code is posted below:
    3. Make sure that add-to-cart-variation.min.js is being included in your product’s page
    global $woocommerce, $product, $post;
    $attributes = $product->get_variation_attributes();
    $available_variations = $product->get_available_variations();

    If your add-to-cart-variation.min.js isn’t being included on the products page, make sure you register it like:

    function wooc_enqueue_wc_scripts() {
    	wp_enqueue_script('add-to-cart-variation-for-theme', plugins_url() . '/woocommerce/assets/js/frontend/add-to-cart-variation.min.js', array('jquery'), '',true );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wooc_enqueue_wc_scripts',999 );

    After doing that, the variations started to show again.

    Hi Simonhunter,

    I’m sorry I forgot about my promise to report back…

    The answer I got from the developer was to upgrade my theme to the latest release which I haven’t done yet. My interim solution was to use hyphens in the variation name, not ideal but it works.

    The solution to this problem on my site was that the product page had to actually be published. In preview mode, the variations didn’t show up in the drop down, but after I changed to publish they did. Then I just quickly changed back to draft mode while I made any additional changes to the product page. Also, when setting up the attributes, I had to format with Name — $xx, meaning it has to be space dash dash space between the variation name and the dollar sign.



    we work on the problem on our page, since up-grade Host ( Mapping wrong)and up-date WP + WOO everything work fine, only variable Card doesn’t work.
    Last but not least the pictures blurb, but see by yourself. Any idea?



    my bad… my store was working fine, until i try some ajax plugins. I have uninstaled and deleted them but now all variations does not show on drop down options.

    everything was fine before, variation settings is fine even now.
    please help me…

    my store: https://wowunik.com



    seems my JS is broken, isn’t it?
    could someone help me please…



    – i have tried to deactivated all plugins, deleted themes and installed it again
    – i have upgrade to wp 3.7 and also latest WC

    but still, i could not find my variation works ??
    help me, my customers get confused



    my bad again.
    it is caused by plugin conflicted.
    i am using seo word spinner and now i have uninstalled it, now all are fine.



    seems i see the same problem again
    now, i have tried to change the theme and uninstall all plugins, but i cannot see “add to cart” button on the variable product.
    but i can see it on the single product/simple product.

    any idea why it happens?

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