• I have added attributes “Webbing Size” and “Webbing Color” each has several variations. I select variable product, add these both of these attributes. I check, “Use for Variations.” I click “select all.” I then click “Link all Variations” and they show up. I have also tried adding individual variations manually. The variations are enabled and I do have stock amounts set.

    On the front end what I get is two drop down options, one for each attribute. Except all I get is “Choose options…” I can NOT get the variations to load correctly!

    I have now tried from scratch with two totally seperate products and sets of attributes and variations.

    As a note, when I set it up for a simple product and add attributes and check “Visible on Product Page” all that show up are the first variations of each attribute.


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  • Thanks. It was actually a code error in the template that I was using, which the web developer had to fix.

    Does anyone know how to make you product page to come up as “List” view by default instead of the “grid” view?

    i tried to add variation in product page variation I have linked all variations but in the front end all variation are not showing up check all the variation in ADDITIONAL INFORMATION and check it in the vriation as well they are not complete and when i try to link variations the message pop ups comes up with 0 variations added because i already added 144 variation but the problem is 144 variations are added in admin page but not showing up in frontpage? now what i need to do check the both links in the category below
    VARIATIONS ARE SLOWING UP THE PRODUCT PAGE NOW ?? i am really confused what should i do to get rid of these problems

    is it some sort of theme issue or woocommerce?

    Dear mayaelious
    Thank you so much – exactly the precise instruction I needed ??

    I can not get this to work for my site – it just shows choose an option – it’s blanco theme – any help would be great


    So my site needed dropdown menus for selecting “Size” and “Color” attributes. Nothing worked until I went to the “Variations” tab that’s in the individual product edit page. I clicked on “Bulk Edit” drop-down then “Prices” and then entered a value in the pop-up. Works like a charm now.

    Don’t think you even need to select “Bulk Edit” and “Prices”, you just need to set a value in the “Regular Price” field and that should fix the errors, at least it did for me.

    I am having the exact problem like @benweb, I am also using blanco theme, I wonder if the theme is creating the problem! Variations are not showing at all, I tried almost every method I can find online already, I also added the regular price, and the instructions provided above, it just showed “0 variation added”, please help…..


    I see on your website that your product variations are working with the blanco theme, could you tell us how you made it work?

    One issue I found is that you won’t be able to select any variations (even if you’ve set attributes, configured terms and added variations) if your product is set to “private”. Change it to public and the variation selections show up as well as the add-to cart.

    One thing I also discovered that’s frustrating is that if you change the attribute name, the existing variations in the product will have extra fields and won’t work properly – they have to be deleted and added again.

    Actually i found out that variables are not showing up if I put spaces in the text of my attributes..
    I am using the XMarket theme from eight theme (which is similar to the Blanco theme, both are designed by Eight themes). Does anyone use the Blanco or Xmarket theme for woocommerce and has a solution for this?

    Is there a way to bulk add variations to all of your products without doing each one individually? For example, certain strings you would enter into a csv file to get it to work?

    Hi, zenzane I uses XMarket theme as well the reason I found is you can only use lowercase letters in your attribute’s value don’t use any uppercase letters

    for instance

    “item1|item2” is right

    “iTem1|iTem2” this will stop working

    Hope this helps

    Hi zenzane and zoncan, I too use the XMarket theme and need spaces in my variation names. I just opened a support ticket at 8theme. I’ll report back with the results of my query.

    Thanks for your report!

    Hi timburkart,

    Just wondering if you had had any response to your support ticket? The theme I’m using has the same problem – I can’t put uppercase letters in the variations – I would like to find out how to fix it. Let me know if you’ve been able to figure it out. Thank you!

    Yup – adding a base price in bulk edit solved the problem for me too!

    Barking Bird Media

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