Thanks for reaching out to us. Do you think about clickable out of stock variation? There are two cases =>
- Variation combination exists but is not available to purchase (Out of Stock). For example, T-shirt Red & M is available but T-shirt Red & S is not available.
- Variation combination is no exists. For example, T-shirt Red & M exists but T-shirt Red & S does not exist. In this case, by clicking on S Red swatches will be disabled.
Scenario 2: We are working on that. If we find a good solution we will release an update.
Scenario 1: This is not available in this standard/free version.
As per this support forum rule, we can only provide support for the free version. We can’t provide any support for our commercial product, even any pre-sale-related discussion is not allowed here. Please check this forum guideline. If you have any questions related to the commercial product, please knock us directly here: https://getwooplugins.com/tickets/
Knock us from the live chat.
I hope I could clear up your confusion.