• There is no support or documentation. No forum questions are being answered by developers or other users.

    You guys should either answer some questions here or document the product a bit or take it offline.

    Its made a bit of a worrying mess of our multisite setup. Clones seem to complete, successfully or not is an unknown as admin page goes blank after finished. There is no indication from logs as to if there was an error or if it completed. Sites appear to be live online but not added to the WP admin panel so we can assume the database is in an awful state.

    Last line in the log, not an error or a congrats its done, just: Result :0
    Im going to assume there should have been more?

    Its not acceptable to say, its free so we don’t need to document or answer questions. You have offered a tool that can wreak havoc both because its best guess from an inexperienced users point of view what is actually happening and its not documented or supported. It may be acceptable to say – “HEY, this tool is great, for people who are skilled enough to be able to create it themselves they weren’t to busy, for people who can work out from the git code and some logs what is and has happened and what went wrong – IF THATS NOT YOU – STAY AWAY cause it may just ruin everything and we are doin this for free so don’t really have the time to help”

  • The topic ‘ATTN DEVS – THIS IS A DANGEROUS TOOL’ is closed to new replies.