Attacked for using WordPress
Hi WordPress fans & theme designers,
This isn’t a support question. But I thought I could really use some “support fire” because I was “attacked” for using WordPress!
Here’s what happened…
I was on a forum recently discussing web design. One of the posters asked about using Dreamweaver to design sites. I suggested WordPress as a alternative platform, using CSS to design websites.
Another posters, who apparently has 13 years of web design experience, said:
“Almost all Blogs today have plug-ins and IMO, are basically boring — web designers worth their salt use a real Editor and most do hand-coding, as we have more control over the content and how the website displays in all browsers.”
(In my opinion, I think he has no idea what WordPress is.)
In response to my reply which I referred him to CSS Beauty and CSSTux that CSS sites could be beautifully designed, he said:
“Having over 13 yrs of actual WEBSITE DESIGN experience, without having WordPress or any other Blog software that’s pre-designed by people who don’t know what they’re doing, your argument with me and many highly experienced WEB DESIGNERS is null and void — you obviously didn’t create your “automatically designed” Blog which was created by those who have the knowledge and experience.”
“The crappy sites you’ve attempted to display in your defense have alot of code errors / warnings — including your own website … when you’ve truly learned how to create Blogs / Websites without any errors, that validate according to W3C Standards and display properly in all browsers, come on back and talk to the Professionals here.”
I’m pretty new to WordPress theme designing and hope to hear from anyone if I’m indeed wrong (which I personally don’t think so) about WordPress/CSS as an alternative web design platform.
Here’s the forum url. My nickname is “pagethinker”.
Thanks and regards,
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