• I’m working on a plugin that uses the Media Uploader.
    Everything’s working fine except for one little thing.
    When rendering the Media Uploader Modal box, it shrinks the Media Attachment Date Filter selector and thus not displaying it correctly: https://ibin.co/235ba47YuGJP
    (looks like an error to me with a random ‘A’, although the filter does work, the ‘A’ is for ‘All dates’)

    I assume that I could just probably style the selector through my plugins custom admin CSS, but I’m guessing that it should work fine without any need of styling (?).

    The code I’m using to display the frame is:

    file_frame = wp.media.frames.file_frame = wp.media({
    	title: "Set Banner Image",
    	button: { text: "Set Banner Image" },
    	multiple: false,
    	library: { type: 'image' }
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