• Hi,

    I downloaded updates offered by WordPress and my website is now a disaster. Have a look at https://www.werriboardriders.com.au and tell me that this is acceptable.

    Can someone smarter than I on all things website building please tell me how I can unscramble this mess foisted upon me by WordPress?


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  • It all looks fine to me. What are you seeing that’s wrong?

    Thread Starter chalky2410


    All the subheadings are showing in my left and right columns. Bullets points next to images on rhs of page. Different sized logos on hrs column.

    But this takes the cake.This Latin language on Ls column…
    Uncategorized (1)
    November 2009
    A sample text widget
    Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

    Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

    WTF is this shit???

    The “strange text” is Lorem Ipsum, and that’s used as placeholder-text when there’s no other content to show what it looks like with actual text before the actual text is added in there. That’s a text widget that was added there by something (WordPress doesn’t have this by default) and it’s outputting that bit of text.

    I can see the headings there, but without being familiar with what the site was in the past, I don’t know what it’s meant to look like, so I can’t say if something is good, bad, or otherwise.

    The logos all are the same width, with varying height so that their aspect ratio is kept.

    Now… I have to ask the question. Did you update your theme???

    If the answer to that is “yes, I did” and you had changes made to the theme without using a child theme, then those changes will all need to be re-done – unless you have them backed up somewhere that you can copy them back.

    That’s why it’s always recommended to use a Child Theme for any theme changes at all.

    Thread Starter chalky2410


    Thanks for the reply. Yes, I did do a theme update. This isn’t the first time that my site has gone belly up after an update. Last time I couldn’t load new images and I had to go into FileZilla and change a few settings.

    The LS column should have a heading that says major sponsors and their logos. They are now found in the RS column halfway down.

    I’m a novice and don’t know what to do or what you mean by child theme.

    Check the link that I provided.

    I have to say that it is pretty technical for a novice, but it is very important.

    The basics of it is this… When you update your theme, any changes that you’ve made to the code (like styles especally) are wiped out and over-written by the new theme files. When you create a child theme you can safely make changes to the themes files by copying them to the child theme and making modifications there. That way when the theme is updated, it’s only the theme that’s updated, and the changes in your child theme are left untouched.

    As it’s a technicla thing, there’s plugins that can help. They won’t bring back what you had before, but they will let you set your site up so that this won’t happen on the next theme update. I’d be looking at these for a start:

    You shouldn’t need to run both of these, so I’d try the custom CSS plugin first to make the changes, and see if you need anything else after that.

    Thread Starter chalky2410


    Thanks for your help.

    2 things…

    1. WordPress sux dogs balls if they offer me an update and turns my site to shit.

    2. Can I fix my site so I can have it looking decent? If so…how?


    1 . Don’t blame WordPress. The theme that you’re using doesn’t come from WordPress. Blame the themes author for the updates to that theme. having said that, the update process is well documented, but not a lot of people raed about that, mainly because theme authors out there don’t ever mention it. The only sort of solice that I can offer is that you’re learning now and that’s now got you in a better place then you were before.

    2. Yes you can do that. You will need to go back and re-apply all of the changes that have been made to the theme again. And as I’ve said, these need to be done in a child theme, or as cusom CSS if it’s only CSS styles, otherwise you’ll loose the changes the next time that the themes author releases a new version.

    Thread Starter chalky2410


    Thanks again. As I said, I’m a novice and this is gonna do my head in.

    I really don’t think I’m up for this.



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