• A note for the developers: NOWHERE in the cookiebot wordpress dashboard is the associated e-mail address visible, and this is a huge mistake, since those of us who manage several sites, and thus brought you several customers, we can’t always keep perfect track of which site was added with which e-mail address.
    I just had to send a lengthy support request to the usercentrics team, asking for support for identifying one of our customer’s usercentrics account, based on the mere site group ID taken from the site source, from the cookiebot dashboard page’s ID field, because there’s no other way to identify the e-mail address with which the site was linked to / associated with usercentric’s services.
    So please… add an e-mail field, at least for the site’s admin, to know which e-mail addres the site is associated with.
    It can be partially hidden, should it be done in such a control freak / security freak manner, something like “someaddXXXX.@gmail.com”… the sited admin should easilly recognise which address that is.

    Thank you, I’m looking forward to seeing this real improvement, in the next version of the plugin.

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