Thanks for your question. Yes, there’s an easy fix for this…
In the upper right corner of the Media/Assistant submenu you will see a link for “Screen Options”. This link is a WordPress feature and appears on all the common admin screens. Click on it to pull down the “Show on screen” options. In the bottom left you will see “Entries per page”; that’s where you can set the number of items displayed in the submenu table.
The “Bulk Chunk Size” controls the number of items MLA sends to the server during the Bulk Edit processing. For example, if you have 100 items in your Bulk Edit list and a chunk size of 25, there will be four batches of 25 items each sent to the server for processing.
Numbers larger than 25 can reduce the overall processing time somewhat, but if the number is too large the server script will time out before completing its work. You can try 100, but if you have problems reducing this value may resolve them.
You might also consider disabling MLA’s where-used reporting while you’re doing this work; it will make the Media/Assistant submenu table load faster. Go to the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab and scroll down to the “Where-used Reporting” section. Change the dropdown controls to “Disabled”, then scroll to the bottom of the screen and click “Save Changes” to record your new settings. You can re-enable the reporting options later if you need the information they provide.
Good luck with your project. I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have problems or further questions regarding the Media/Assistant settings. Thanks for your interest in the plugin.