• I’d like to use different header images on certain pages of my blog at https://mountainviewdogtraining.com . For instance, in any agility-related pages I’d like to show dogs doing agility rather than dogs hanging out, which is the main header – and so on for the various pages. It’s a modified Kubrick theme.


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  • Hmmm, it doesn’t seem to change the header I uploaded through the Custom header option. I need to figure out where that is stored as well I guess.

    Hello, all…

    Since there are so many ingenious plugins for so many specialized purposes, has anyone developed a WP Plugin that will accomplish this (i.e. (i.e., displaying a different header graphic for different categories) without extensive hacking/modding of a site or theme’s PHP and CSS code?

    Enquiring minds want to know…

    hi i am dezining a custom theme
    in theme headder.php will same but the below contents will remain diffrent
    i want to call a file like product.php .which has same headder call below coding is diffrent . but when i call it sayes headder call to undifiend function so headder is not includeing ..if someone knows about it then share it with me.

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