It would be nice to split the categories in things that typically have to do with the location anyway. Such as:
Concurrent with AA Meeting
Concurrent with Alateen Meeting
Concurrent with Al-Anon Meeting
Fragrance Free
Wheelchair Accessible
Temporary Closure
Then again, do keep in mind that some accommodations suspend worship but will allow groups to meet.
A while ago I asked for a new feature in the free plugin: when we perform a search for a certain group of meetings (relevant for me, as I administer a big area) and then navigate to details to edit details, I really need a ‘go to next’ and ‘go to previous’ based on the found set. Right now, especially now, I find myself going into detail and then repeat my search or do all finds one by one. Takes a lot of time. I think this is currently under consideration for the free plugin (not the app – as that is a different team).
So here is an idea: would it be possible to have the category in the list overview and allow changing it by a drop down or something like that? It would really be a huge timesaver. If this can be a preference that we can set that would be even better.
Other than that: big applause for the plugin, I don’t think I would be able to keep up with current affairs if this had to be done in HTML text or somesuch method. Big big kudos for all who work on both teams!