You can add a filter to your themes functions.php that detects the WPML current language. In the following code sample we’re asking WooCommerce to pass us all the tabs and then we’re asking WPML what the language is. From here you can target your tabs by using their tab name.
In the example you’ll see theres a tab named Technical Data
so we access it with all lowercase and a dash instead of a space. Then you have the next piece which is targeting that tabs title.
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'yikes_rename_default_woocommerce_tabs', 98, 1 );
function yikes_rename_default_woocommerce_tabs( $tabs ) {
$lang = apply_filters( 'wpml_current_language', NULL );
if ( $lang == 'it' ) {
if ( isset( $tabs['technical-data'] ) ) {
$tabs['technical-data']['title'] = 'Dati Tecnici';
// ... other tabs ...
return $tabs;
With this filter you can customize your tabs in any way you’d like based on whatever language you’d like to support.
For more information on how this filter works ( it’s part of WooCommerce ) you can check out all these examples that show you how to modify priority and remove default tabs.
If you have any questions about translation let me know!
– Freddie