Here i am logged in as shop manager and filling the customer information in checkout page from the frontend to complete the order https://prnt.sc/17v8aq3.
Here you can see the order number is 89 https://prnt.sc/17v8ol7
Now, when i go to woocommerce>orders i dont know what order belong to what shop manager as you can see here https://prnt.sc/17v9apj
In order detail page i have that the client is the shop manager and not the actual customer https://prnt.sc/17v9yi2
I am building a service woocommerce with 4 shop managers that will always be adding new orders on behave of the customer from the frontend because there are some features that are not available in the backend when adding a new order. So when a shop manager adds the order, i need the order to be assigned automatically to that shop manager, so each shop manager will know what order belong to whom.
All shop manager will have access to all orders. An option would be to add a new column in woocommerce>order with the name of the shop managers like this https://prnt.sc/17vbaoj
Thanks for the help!