• Resolved aventurine_geode


    Hi all,

    I seem to be making a lot of help topics tonight. I assure you this is the last one (for now, anyway)!

    I would really like an option to assign a page a unique ID number, one that will show up in the title or body of the page, but only if the option to assign an ID number is selected. So, in

    effect, a tool that assigns unique ID numbers to certain pages, but not every page.

    I haven’t been able to find a plugin that allows this yet. Can anyone advise if such a plugin exists, or if this is something that WP is capable of?

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  • It’s definately capable of this, but I don’t think that there’s a current plugin to do this (mainly because what you’re asking sounds like an extremely personal requirement).

    The biggest questions are…

    • Does the ID need to be set by you?
    • Is there any format required for the ID?
    Thread Starter aventurine_geode


    Hi catacaustic. Thanks for your response!

    I would not need to set the ID number.

    It could be randomly generated or assigned on a numerical basis; there is no specific required format.

    The most important factors would be that a) the ID number generated for each page be unique; b) the numbers would be generated only for pages I chose.

    I haven’t seen anything like this that’s ready-built.

    The good news is that it’s not too hard to do yourself. If you have even a little bit of coding skills you could easily create a new plugin for yourself that could do it.

    If you’re not up to that (not everyone is) then you could pay someone to create this for you.

    Why not just use the ID that WordPress assigns to the Page?

    WordPress automatically assigns a unique ID to every piece of content, including Pages.

    This should get you going in that direction:

    I would suggest the same thing that TrishaM mentioned. You can actually output the page ID in your title by putting <?php the_ID(); ?> next to the title in your header.

    You could also create a check box that shows up in your ADD NEW post or pages, then add a small if statement that states if the box is checked, echo the_ID() else do nothing.

    Thread Starter aventurine_geode


    TrishaM and The Dro, thank you! That’s exactly the kind of information I was looking for!

    I promise I’m not being obtuse on purpose, but the function described in the linked page doesn’t appear to be working. Inputting the “<?php the_ID(); ?>” line seems to do nothing – the line itself doesn’t show up, and nothing shows up in its place.

    For example, if I enter

    Page Number: <?php the_ID(); ?>

    it will show on the edited document as

    Page Number:

    I have tried this on the page title, page body and also the title and body of a post, just in case the syntax happened to be different for Pages vs. Posts and I happened to be using the wrong one.

    Just note that that function needs to be used insdie The Loop, so if it’s in the header somewhere it most likely won’t work.

    To make it work correctly you ned to call the_post(); somewhere before the_ID();. Normally that would be in a single template, like single.php or page.php depending on what templates your theme has set up.

    Thread Starter aventurine_geode


    Thank you all very much for your help. I think I’ve found what I need now!

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