@phatj I’ve checked the page in question and it looks like the TTFB is high, around 1.65s suggesting you’re not using a caching plugin at least on this area of the “Checkout” process. Unloading some CSS/JS will help, though I will look first into improving the TTFB which should be the first thing on the list to optimize.
When you’re saying that you’ve edited the assets, do you mean that you unloaded some major CSS/JS files that aren’t needed? I’ve noticed quite a few when checking them via Coverage (see this post to understand how it works: https://www.assetcleanup.com/docs/how-to-check-if-gutenberg-blocks-css-file-is-needed-or-not/). This includes, but is not limited to:
- /plugins/woocommerce/packages/woocommerce-blocks/build/wc-blocks-style.css?ver=6.7.3
- /plugins/sfwd-lms/themes/ld30/assets/css/learndash.min.css?ver=
- /themes/enfold/config-woocommerce/woocommerce-mod.css?ver=5.9.1
- /plugins/wpforo/wpf-themes/classic/colors.css?ver=
- /plugins/yith-woocommerce-wishlist/assets/css/font-awesome.css?ver=4.7.0
- /themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/timeline/timeline.css?ver=5.9.1
- /plugins/yith-woocommerce-wishlist/assets/css/style.css?ver=3.6.0
- /themes/enfold/css/avia-snippet-widget.css?ver=4.8.9
- /themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/blog/blog.css?ver=5.9.1
- /plugins/wp-video-lightbox/css/prettyPhoto.css?ver=5.9.1
- /themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/masonry_entries/masonry_entries.css?ver=5.9.1
- /plugins/wpforo/wpf-themes/classic/widgets.css?ver=
- /themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/icongrid
You also have plenty of JS files from plugins that you likely do not need to have loaded on that page, thus, you can go ahead and unloaded the JS files from those plugins (you need a trial and error with this) and then check the page for any errors (e.g. errors in the browser’s console).
By unloading the unused assets, you will improve “Eliminate render-blocking resources”. However, to improve it completely (e.g. there might be one or two files left there such as jQuery to be on the safe side), you will need to use a plugin such as WP Rocket that automatically appends critical CSS or even Asset CleanUp Pro that has a method of implementing critical CSS. Note that you can implement critical CSS using the Lite version of Asset CleanUp too, but it requires editing a PHP file (e.g. functions.php from your theme): https://www.assetcleanup.com/docs/critical-css-how-to-implement-it-to-completely-reduce-render-blocking-stylesheets/