• Maurice



    We relaunched a client’s page and after migration we noticed it not being displayed properly. After some investigation we realized those errors disappear when we deactivate Asset Cleanup.

    We tried a complete fresh install of the plugin but the errors stayed / reoccured. When combining CSS and JS files the animations stopped working and icons etc. were displayed improperly (in position and visibility). We did some troubleshooting but couldn’t find out what the error is.

    We build WordPress sites mostly using the same theme, pagebuilder, plugins. On other recent relaunches we did we had no issues with Assed Cleanup: Everything works properly there.

    I noticed some errors in the console after activating the plugin:

    GET https://domain.de/wp-content/cache/asset-cleanup/css/item/includes__css__dashicons-min-css-abc.css net::ERR_ABORTED 500 (Internal Server Error)

    GET https://domain.de/wp-content/cache/asset-cleanup/css/item/generatepress_child__style-css-abc.css net::ERR_ABORTED 500 (Internal Server Error)

    GET https://domain.de/wp-content/cache/asset-cleanup/css/item/comet-cache__src__client-s__css__admin-bar-min-css-abc.css net::ERR_ABORTED 500 (Internal Server Error)

    Especially the “dashicons”-error shouldn’t occur. We are logged in and the icons in the toolbar are not displayed. We have the “This will unload Dashicons if the toolbar (top admin bar) is not showing up.”-Setting activated, when deactivating it the dashicons are shown properly.

    On other pages where we use those settings there aren’t any ERR_ABORTED 500 Errors for the global unloads etc.

    Any idea what causes this issue? Thanks!

    Kind Regards,

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