• I wrote on their forum for the Google Map API support, but received no reply and no help in the past 48 hours but they replied to many others posts since.

    Their Geolocation map is not operating in a proper fashion. I have tried their shortcodes to alter the default zoom on the map which does not work, we can not see the location of the client himself on the geolocating map and i have had 0 support in this process.

    Too bad I was testing out the plugin to then purchase it but since the support is lacking, i will move on and try a different multivendor platform.

Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Plugin Author WC Lovers



    I wrote on their forum for the Google Map API support, but received no reply and no help in the past 48 hours but they replied to many others posts since.

    – Please don’t think like that, we provide same attention to our all users.

    Possibly your issue/request require more time to debug so it’s getting delayed in reply, nothing else than this!

    Also due to current situation we are running with a very small resource so things are getting a big longer time than expect,hope you under this.

    Well, if you are our paid user then why not contact us directly from “premium support” –

    Between, in which forum you have posted your issue? Can you please follow up once in that thread, it will be helpful for us to prioritize that.

    Thank You

    Plugin Author WC Lovers


    A small update on this topic –

    There was an issue with short code “auto_zoom” attribute, it was failed to disable map auto zoom behavior.

    Now, this was the reason why default zoom was not working, as Google map ignore zoom parameter if “auto_zoom” is ON.

    We have fixed this issue in WCFM Marketplace latest update, 3.4.0

    Hopefully this will help other users ??

    Thread Starter misterleroy


    The map still has a lot of issues such as it doesn’t pinpoint the stores properly if you zoom out, the arrow icon just points in the middle of nowhere, and I can’t see the location of the user either.

    Is there any plugin that is compatible to customize the map entirely?

    I have switched plugin and went with another one that offers all of these features.
    By curiosity, what is your affiliation with dokan?

    Ps: you guys have addressed our post on your own forums on the wclovers website

    Plugin Author WC Lovers



    The map still has a lot of issues such as it doesn’t pinpoint the stores properly if you zoom out, the arrow icon just points in the middle of nowhere, and I can’t see the location of the user either.

    Well, if you change zoom then no plugin or even Google map will able to show you all store points.

    Use short code like this [wcfm_stores auto_zoom=”no”]

    WCFM has highest level of Google Map integration, it does not support any further flexibility than this.

    GEO my MY is the only map plugin you may use for such purpose.

    You are using Dokan, that’s fine, if you get better map performance then WCFM please know me ??


    Thank You

    I have installed the API License Key, I have installed the API License email. I have downloaded the APIs and installed and activated the plugins from the WordPress administrator panel. The thing is that when I log in as a user not as an administrator, the Store Manager that I find in the menu is the Woocommerce one not the WCFM Marketplace. I will give you Order # 131158 in case you can, please, check. Was placed on May 15, 2020.
    Thank you

    Plugin Author WC Lovers


    @tgonzaleznavarro, please contact us at our “premium support” – https://wclovers.com/premium-support/

    the Store Manager that I find in the menu is the Woocommerce one not the WCFM Marketplace.

    – WCFM Marketplace does not have any such menu. It has dashboard with all options.
    “Store Manager” page added as menu under WooCommerce My Account page.

    Thank You

    the Store Manager that I find in the menu is the Woocommerce one not the WCFM Marketplace.
    Please do not answer me with the question you have asked, I am telling you that I cannot find it

    – WCFM Marketplace does not have any such menu. It has dashboard with all options.
    “Store Manager” page added as menu under WooCommerce My Account page.

    I know that Marketplace does not have such a menu, I know that it has a board with all the options.
    Again, you are answering me with the question I asked you, is that what you, do not read the questions or respond by answering. Don’t tell me what I’m asking you please. Respond with arguments.

    I will not contact you on your premium support because you do not respond
    Thank You

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