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  • Does this work with WP Super Cache as well?

    Now it works with WP-Super Cache, hyper-cache, and WP-Cache.

    I added the new cron capabilities of the latest wordpress release so that it automatically runs every hour and keeps your cache updated at all times.

    I’m currently using DreamHost VPS service, will it create any additional load? Please advise.

    I created the plugin ON DreamHost VPS, which is what is hosted on as well.

    I’m using a beta version of AACrazyCache on that I will be releasing in 1-2 weeks that will be pretty amazing in terms of keeping your load to a minimum *including php, cpu, mysql, memory, and bandwidth*

    Don’t uninstall it or you might not see when I update it.

    I’m using a beta version of AACrazyCache on that I will be releasing in 1-2 weeks

    Great news!.

    I know of your site is hosted on DreamHost VPS. I’ve read quite a few of your .HTACCESS posts, and left two support messages(including trial for AACrazyCache) on your contact form, unfortunately couldn’t hear anything so far

    I had tested few cache plugins, becasue Super Cache & WP-Cache doesn’t work on DH VPS and kill entire server within few minutes of activation. At present I’m using Hyper Cache, and looking forward to AACrazyCache release.

    In addition to my immediate last post, I’ve installed AACrazyCashe about an hour ago, but neither it shows “Already working” nor it display no of cache files by “Hyper Cache” plugin.

    Do you think, it could be due to the cache foler, because AACrazyCache reads Hyper Cache’s cache folder as following:


    whereas, the actual cache folder for Hyper Cache is:

    Also, where AA would cache files, will it create a seperate folder or will store cached files in plugin default? Please advise.

    Rok – try setting your cache directory to /tmp/. That should fix CPU problems on Dreamhost.

    Hi Donncha, did your reffered the above noted change for Super Cache?

    I had read other post about a month back, but didn’t try to move cache foler to /tmp/, because I’ve about 22K+ posts, and lots of categories. And above all, right now I’ve no idea, what’s the space alloted to /tmp/ folder on DreamHost VPS?

    Rok – above noted change? I’m not sure what you mean by that.

    I don’t know how much space is allocated to /tmp/ but it’s probably enough if you don’t run the Crazy Cache plugin. There’s no need to cache every page on your blog if they’re not going to be visited.

    There’s a thread on the DreamHost problem here:

    Donncha, I was asking if setting /tmp/, as noted in your above post was reffered to Super Cache plugin or other.

    Re. /tmp/ allocated space, I’ve just written to DreamHost, and I hope to get the answer in few hrs.

    I’ve not yet activated Super Cache, but I’ve made following change in wp-cache-config-sample.php

    $cache_path = ABSPATH . 'wp-content/cache/';

    ….changed to:

    $cache_path = '/tmp/cache/';

    Is the above change correct? would you please advise.

    I understand. Yes, set the cache dir to “/tmp/”.

    I don’t think there’s any need to put it in /tmp/cache/ but it won’t hurt to do that either. Just make sure that directory exists and is recreated if your server reboots.

    Donncha, unfortunately I couldn’t hear anything from DreamHost. May I ask you to advise me the way to recreate “cache folder” automatically, in the event of server reboot? Because I don’t have root access to edit fstab.

    A plugin would do it. I can’t remember if wp-super-cache will recreate the cache dir, but just set it to /tmp/ and don’t worry about it.

    Couldn’t update, I’m now moving to Media Temple.

    Hello all. I’ve given up trying to get the GZip compression to work on WP-Super-Cache. Internet Explorer always asks to download the page, and I can’t seem to resolve it through any support forums. I was wondering if activating Crazy Cache and caching my entire site ( would affect things like commenting or other dynamic widgets (ie, my website statistics).

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