That’s hilarious. I just downloaded it and so far I have everything in check but not getting the results I’m looking for. Here is my blog: [this savage art…]. Here is what I have so far. Did all of the following:
1. Download Sideblog Plugin v3
2. Unzip and upload sideblog.php to your wp-content/plugins directory.
3. Login to your WordPress blog.
4. Activate in your Admin -> Plugins panel.
5. Go to Admin -> Options -> Sideblog panel.
6. Select the category(ies) you want to publish in the sidebar. ( I assigned one category “Asides”.
7. Take note of the “category slug(s)”. Update your Sideblog Options.
8. Open your sidebar.php in a text editor.
9. Add the sideblog function.
<?php sideblog(’asides’); ?>
All of that is in place but when I post something and asign it a “asides” category the section on my sidebar reads “Aside category not selected” and the post ends up in my Recent Posts category.
Not sure what’s going on???