• I have liaised with developers of some search and replace plugins. Their tools don’t work when searching for unusual characters like & (ampersand) in a url.

    the developer said they weren’t sure which code the wordpress database used but i should try and search and repalce \u0026 or \0026 instead of the &.

    That didn’t work. So I’m asusming i was using the incorrect ASCII (?) numeric code.

    Question: where can I find the correct set of ASCII codes using in the wordpress WP_POSTS table.

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  • You can find this in a database access provided by your hoster, e.g. phpmyadmin. Talk to your hoster’s support team about this. In this interface you will find a list of all tables in the database and the columns they contain. For tables such as columns, you can see which character set is used. Ideally, everything should be utf-8 or a subtype thereof.

    Ascii isn’t used it was replaced by unicode character set. Ascii code was limited to 255 characters where version 15 of unicode has 148k characters. The codes are pretty standard The alpha bet lower case usually starts at 65. There is a chart on wikipedia that list the standard characters codes. They shouldn’t really change unless you are changing languages. The \u is used to specify a unicode value. You could also do an \ux if you want to use hex values. The & sign in a url is used to specify the start of a list of parameter’. Replacing this could cause problems if you are planning on calling the url. If the url is the site URL it not going to be read as part of the site text. Not sure what your trying to do ?

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