• nathair


    Can’t pull down month into weeks or agenda. If I switch to another theme everything works fine. I am using an artisteer generated theme. Did not have any conflicts before the update. Since I have many artisteer generated themes I would like an answer. Probably some functionnaming conflict?

    the problem is in this generated bit in the dropdown-menu:

    <a data-toggle="dropdown" class="dropdown-toggle">
    <img alt="Maand" src="https://www.mariakerkoosterwijtwerd.nl/test/wp-content/themes-ai1ec/vortex/img/month-view.png">
    Maand <span class="caret"></span></a>
    <div class="dropdown-menu">
    <div class="">
    <a href="https://www.mariakerkoosterwijtwerd.nl/test/?page_id=279&ai1ec=action:posterboard|time_limit:1362092400" class="ai1ec-load-view posterboard" data-type="json" id="ai1ec-view-posterboard">
    <img alt="Posterboard" src="https://www.mariakerkoosterwijtwerd.nl/test/wp-content/themes-ai1ec/vortex/img/posterboard-view.png">
    <div class="active">
    <a href="https://www.mariakerkoosterwijtwerd.nl/test/?page_id=279&ai1ec=action:month|exact_date:1362092400" class="ai1ec-load-view month" data-type="json" id="ai1ec-view-month">
    <img alt="Maand" src="https://www.mariakerkoosterwijtwerd.nl/test/wp-content/themes-ai1ec/vortex/img/month-view.png">Maand	</a>
    <div class="">
    <a href="https://www.mariakerkoosterwijtwerd.nl/test/?page_id=279&ai1ec=action:week|exact_date:1362092400" class="ai1ec-load-view week" data-type="json" id="ai1ec-view-week">
    <img alt="Week" src="https://www.mariakerkoosterwijtwerd.nl/test/wp-content/themes-ai1ec/vortex/img/week-view.png">
    Week				</a>
     <div class="">
     <a href="https://www.mariakerkoosterwijtwerd.nl/test/?page_id=279&ai1ec=action:oneday|exact_date:1362092400" class="ai1ec-load-view oneday" data-type="json" id="ai1ec-view-oneday">
     <img alt="Day" src="https://www.mariakerkoosterwijtwerd.nl/test/wp-content/themes-ai1ec/vortex/img/oneday-view.png"> 	Day </a>
     <div class="">
     <a href="https://www.mariakerkoosterwijtwerd.nl/test/?page_id=279&ai1ec=action:agenda|time_limit:1362092400" class="ai1ec-load-view agenda" data-type="json" id="ai1ec-view-agenda">
    					<img alt="Agenda" src="https://www.mariakerkoosterwijtwerd.nl/test/wp-content/themes-ai1ec/vortex/img/agenda-view.png">	Agenda </a>


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  • davejampole


    I had some dropdown issues between my Artisteer template and ai1ec. The Artisteer folks sent me this code to fix my problem. See if it works for you?

    /* added 1 Feb 2013 from Artisteer to allow display format and category dropdown lists on ai1ec to work correctly */
    li.ai1ec-views-dropdown, li.ai1ec-category-filter
    overflow: visible!important;
    background-image: none!important;

    I always a comment at the top of any change/addition just so I can keep with what I’m doing. Use the comment like or not as you choose.

    Thread Starter nathair


    thank you very much @davejampole
    this works for the categories AND the pull down under the month,
    I noticed I still have to figure out the drop down under labels,

    probably this which works fine as well testing with firebug

    li.ai1ec-views-dropdown, li.ai1ec-tag-filter
    overflow: visible!important;
    background-image: none!important;

    I also use comments to keep track of changes

    thank you so very much!




    Glad that worked for you. Only thing I can suggest is to contact the Artisteer folks. When you get the code that works for the labels dropdown, post it here so I can get it.

    Now you need to do something good for someone.

    Thread Starter nathair


    I implemented it at https://www.mariakerkoosterwijtwerd.nl/?page_id=500 and tested it in Firefox, IE8, IE9 and Chrome. Pull downs and tags now work BUT . . .
    The rendering in IE8 is slightly different, it does not show the list-style-image which NOW DOES show in FF, IE9 and Chrome. They should not.
    This list style image is declared in the style.css and I can set it to “none” but haven’t yet figured out all the consequences.
    You do not have this problem?

    I have changed the question to not resolved, because solving it brings up another (small) problem



    I have to confess, I don’t know what you mean by “…the list-style-image…”. Maybe if you could explain that, help would be a little easier.

    Thread Starter nathair


    When I use lists I use images instead of default circles
    Artisteer declares them differently from how I would do it This is artisteer code

    .maria-postcontent ul > li:before, .maria-post ul > li:before, .maria-textblock ul > li:before {
        bottom: 2px;
        content: url("images/postbullets.png");
        display: inline-block;
        font-size: 0;
        line-height: 0;
        margin-right: 6px;
        position: relative;
        vertical-align: middle;

    The way I would usually do it myself is very simple

    	list-style-image: url(images/purple.jpg);
    	list-style-position: outside;

    And some places where I definitely want none

    ul#comments-list li
        list-style-image: none ;

    Now timely somewhere meddles with it -the artisteer code somewhere some place – if I apply the extra code needed to make the drop downs and tags work. At that particular place there should be no bullets whatsoever.
    If I remove the content: url("images/postbullets.png"); it is also removed from lists on the site where I want the image to appear.

    PS I use the webdeveloper toolbar to check and change css and html coding on-line. And firebug as well. Both great tools.

    @nathair – i have the same problem, added the code to get the dropdowns to work but now can’t get rid of the bullet points. did you find a solution?

    Thread Starter nathair


    yes, in a way
    at the site https://www.mariakerkoosterwijtwerd.nl/?page_id=500 I removed the image that artisteer generates
    on my site that definition is on line 1562 it would be on a different line in the css on your site.

    /* content: url("images/postbullets.png"); */

    However that removes the bullet image everywhere on the site and in some places I would still want those bullets, so I put those in a division with a class called “bull” and in the style.css I redefined them

    .maria-postcontent .bull ul>li:before ,  .maria-post .bull ul>li:before ,  .maria-textblock .bull ul>li:before
       bottom: 2px;

    It is not the greatest solution but it works.
    demonstrated here: https://www.mariakerkoosterwijtwerd.nl/?p=624

    @nathair Thank you, I spent a bit of time this morning trying to figure out why the bullet points are showing up but couldn’t work it out so not wanting to waste anymore time on it I have gone with your solution.

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