• Hi there. I’ve recently stumbled across Artisteer – and have been playing for a couple of days in the demo version. I like what I’m seeing so far… and am also interested in that they’ll be rolling it out for Joomla and Drupal soon too. I’m finding it extremely easy to use. I haven’t tried installing anything I’ve exported from it (no point, as there’s a watermark on the demo version, and I don’t want that all over one of my websites)

    However – before I part with my hard earned cash… I’d like to know what you guys think of it. Of course on Artisteer’s own website, everything is glowing and fluffy… but have any of your guys had problems with it? I’ve only ever bought well established and trusted names in the past – so I don’t fancy a dead duck. If it does what it says it does… then great! But if not, I’d like to be forearmed.

    Thanks in advance, from a concerned lady.

    E x

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  • Howdy.

    I purchased Artisteer yesterday. Tested it for several days prior.

    Very happy with it personally and have created several nice looking, functional WordPress themes with it.

    Because I have a number of WordPress sites of my own and several I look after for friends, it’s a worthwhile investment for me.

    Furthermore, I haven’t been that happy with the latest batch of freely available WP 2.7 themes, and lack the skills to create my own WP Themes from scratch.

    But using Artisteer I’ve been busy creating a batch of new themes which are just the way I like them.

    Happy New Year,


    I also purchased it yesterday, and I do find it very functional for somebody like me who doesn’t know how to create his/own theme. However, I personally would have liked to see more website-oriented themes generated instead of it looking obviously like a blog all the time.

    If you’re looking for a blog theme, then i recommend it. If you want an actual website theme, then you might need to make some adjustments to the theme afterwards.



    I have been using it for a little while now and only have one real gripe about the software. In your generated theme it doesn’t automatically throw up bullet points for your posts in the sidebar. It kind of runs everything together, I contacted the company and got this tip back from them:

    Currently you cannot add bullets in Artisteer, but you can change the list style later, after exporting the design. For this open the generated style.css file for edit and alter the
    # style definitions, e.g.:

    style.css, line 1667:
    .sidebar1 ul li, .sidebar2 ul li, .sidebar3 ul li

    list-style-type: square; <== add this line (you can also use decimal, circle or upper roman types here)
    margin-left: -20px; <== remove this line


    Best piece of software ever created for making WordPress Templates.

    It can export as a WordPress Theme OR as an HTML page… but you need to choose what point you want to start from, WordPress or HTML. If you start with WordPress, the page it creates looks like a blog. if you start as HTML, then it looks like an HTML page

    couto607, after you’ve created your theme and uploaded it, you can switch you wordpress blog into a regular looking website. You have to log into your wordpress admin panel, then go to ‘Settings’, then ‘Reading’. Then you will see ‘Front Page Displays’ option. Choose ‘Static page’. Then choose which page you want for ‘Front Page’ and for ‘Posts’.

    I also purchased it yesterday, and I do find it very functional for somebody like me who doesn’t know how to create his/own theme. However, I personally would have liked to see more website-oriented themes generated instead of it looking obviously like a blog all the time.

    If you’re looking for a blog theme, then i recommend it. If you want an actual website theme, then you might need to make some adjustments to the theme afterwards.

    I have tested the last beta version it’s just an amazing tool, the tool that all non-coder has dream ! lol



    Very interesting. I’ve been scoping out reviews and haven’t come across any really negative stuff. I’m looking for something that will do some of the early stuff in theming and then go into the themes and alter them further by hand.



    l have been using artisteer and beta version crashed however stable version still working, forums not very usefull but try out before you buy see what you think

    Windoze only. Major drawback!

    Seriously though, another is that you are basically modifying templates with this tool. If that is something you are not able to do otherwise, I guess it can make life easier for you and would be a good value for the money. If you’ve even modified a template considerably and know you will do so again, this may not be a worthwhile investment for you.

    I just started using artisteer and have a huge problem. when i loaded it to my wp (which i am hosting thru godaddy) it shows me that my theme is there but when i go to my site my background and header is not. Does anyone have any ideas of what i can do to fix this problem?


    you can now use Artisteer, and make great themes without paying for Artisteer. Just go to my website and I will show you how.

    Hi, i also used artisteer to generate a theme. I exported it in zip format, and when i tried to apply the theme, i got error uploading the theme!
    Can anyone say why this happens?

    I’m trying to figure out a way to use Artisteer on my Mac. Maybe some kind of virtual machine software, does anybody have an idea?
    I’m starting out with making a blog theme for my beauty salon equipment store and I would really like to make Artisteer work.
    They should really work out a Mac version – what they’re doing right now is pure money wasting.

    Thread Starter estoyderodriguez


    Hi guys. Sorry – I should have come back and told you how I got on. I decided to go for it. I’d already trialled it… but bit the bullet and purchased the license.

    I’ve been using it very successfully. Occasionally there’s the odd bug, but I’m getting around those. Each upgrade is more stable. I have only been using it for WordPress… although I might have a play with Joomla shortly. Drupal doesn’t really appeal to me.

    The only thing I wish it could do is give the capability of importing an existing theme into it (non artisteer) so I could play with those too.

    Sorry milodolce I don’t have a mac and can’t help.

    Estoy x

    Cathy Mitchell


    I use it now too. I don’t find it great for editing the css – because it is 300% bloated from where it needs to be for my themes. So editing takes more time than writing the css from scratch, but for getting themes out QUICKLY, it is GREAT!! Amazing product for only $50! (NO, not affiliated! lol)

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