• i’m extremely frustrated. a clients website keeps getting swamped by some error in this plugin. the wp_options table has bloated to approx. 6,542,015(!!!) rows.

    most look like this:

    option_id / blog_id / option_name / option_value / autoload
    8333946 / 0 / _transient_timeout_ye_video_NWE3ZWIyNjExYjM1NmM3Yj... / 1328011729 / no
    8333947 / 0 / _transient_ye_video_NWE3ZWIyNjExYjM1NmM3YjlhNWI2OT... / <!-- YouTube Embed v2.1 | https://www.artiss.co.uk... / no
    8333948 / 0 / _transient_timeout_ye_video_ZjM1MGRmZTlkNmExYTEzYj... / 1328011730 / no
    8333953 / 0 / _transient_ye_video_MGQzNDQ5YTEwNjJlYjdmNGFiOTAzOT... / <!-- YouTube Embed v2.1 | https://www.artiss.co.uk... / no


    now because of this bloated table, i’m unable to update wordpress to the latest version (because wordpress hangs at the “upgrade database” portion, probably due to lack of memory) and the whole website becomes a blank screen.


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  • Plugin Contributor David Artiss



    Sorry to hear you’ve had these problems. I noticed the problem when creating 2.4 but, at that point, hadn’t had anyone report it.

    Basically, if the video cache was turned off it was still creating it, which is why I suspect your table is flooding.

    The best solution is to run a MySQL query against the table (do you have access to phpMyAdmin or equivalent?) to flush out the cache…

    DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name LIKE '_transient_timeout_ye_video_%';
    DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name LIKE '_transient_ye_video_%';

    Make sure they have 2.4 installed and they should be fine. However, let me know if the cache size starts to increase and I’ll look at it again.


    Plugin Contributor David Artiss


    I added an option in version 2.5 to allow users to clear their cache. It will also show how many videos are cached so you can decided whether it needs clearing or not.

    If you find you have to clear the cache regularly then please let me know.


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