• The theme is Artificer, and I’m using WooCommerce.

    1) In the footer customization menu, under Dashboard > Artificer > Settings, I have a combination of text and HTML code (paypal button), and so far only the text shows. It doesn’t even ‘write’ the html code. The code is stored in the settings, but it’s not being displayed.

    2) My website has 2 ‘parent’ product categories, catA & catB. catB has 17 products, of which 9 are in 3 different subcategories of their own (catB_a, catB_b, catB_c). catB has it’s own products (no subcategories here).
    The products have different parents (none, catA, catB, catB_a/b/c).
    The issue here is that on the shop page I can only get the categories (or subcategrories when you click on a category) to show up. Either that, or JUST the products in a category (like it shows all 17 products in catB individually). I would like to display categories as themselves, and uncategorized products beside them as well, on their own.

    in case the issue #2 was not clear, let me paint an example.

    the website is mysteryshipment.com
    catA = “originals”
    catB = “rofl mail”
    and then there is a product “gift certificate” which i want to show up beside the “catA” and “catB” icons on the ‘shop’ page. but I only see “catA” and “catB” at the moment (when there are products published in said categories). this is one part of this.
    the same problem shows up when i click on catB. I see catB_a/b/c (when i select the subcategory type as ‘standard’, or “show subcategories”), or ALL the products under catB (without the subcategorized ones being displayed in subcategories, when i select the category catB to “show products”), or BOTH at the same time..
    What I would like to see is:
    Shop -> catA, catB, gift certificate

    catB -> catB_a, catB_b, catB_c, catB (uncategorized products).

    If I understand correctly, the “standard” setting for a category should display subcategories and uncategorized products under it, respectively, right?
    What can I do to fix this?

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