• Hello everyone,
    I’ve just installed bbpress 1.0.2 and bbpress integration plug-in over my 2.8.4 wordpress blog… and I am in hell.
    The blog still works, from the viewer point of view (www.teknologik.fr), but the backend is a mess.

    First of all, I couldn’t log in at all in the wordpress admin panel. My login and password took me to a white page saying that I didn’t have the rights. Hopefully, I had a second login with administrator right so I was able to change my “own” rights, under the second administrator login. But that was just the beginning…

    Articles and Pages counter, in the main admin windows now shows “0”, although there are over 700 articles, when I do click on “Articles”.
    When I try to add a new article, the ID at the end of the permalink is “1”… when the previous permalinks (when it still worked) showed four digits, like “5414”.

    I’ve deleted both “bbpress” folder and “bbpress integration” plug-in but it didn’t change anything.

    On top of all, I was working on a fresh re-install of the blog and the database backup wasn’t set yet, so my last backup is 3 weeks old, with tenths of new articles in between that would be lost if I had to re-install that backup.

    What can I do without returning to the last backup ? Any idea ?

    How can I backup only the articles added to the dabatase since the last backup ?

    A million thanks, in advance…


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