• Resolved Jonathan Jewell


    Hiya, I keep seeing these kinds of errors appearing in the log of queries (using query monitor) about the WP-Tools plugin – see link.

    I wonder if you could tell me what they are and what I need to do to get rid of them, or if you let me know if you can fix them? I am using PHP 8 and can let you know other details if required/useful.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Bill Minozzi


    Hi Jonathan,
    I saw your post on our support site. That is not error but warnings.
    I saw all your posts on our support site and looks like your server is not a standard server. Then, show up issues not normal in our server and at other users. I’m unable to say more about your server because I have no opportunity to make a deep check on it.
    I will try to avoid this warning message on the next version. For while, just erase your log once a week or two.

    Plugin Author Bill Minozzi


    Hi Again,

    I sent you one email, looks like your server has a problem with file permissions.

    In our Anti Hacker plugin, your server blocks wordpress legitimate function get_plugins()

    I suggest you take a look that and use standard file permissions to avoid future issues.

    Please, read that:

    Changing File Permissions



    Plugin Author Bill Minozzi



    On the version 2.29, our plugin WP Tools can check Files and Folders permissions for you.


    Plugin Author Bill Minozzi



    I hope you got this sorted. Its been a while with no reply so gonna go ahead and mark this thread as resolved to help keep the forum organized. Feel free to post again with any further questions or feedback,
    Thank you.


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