• Resolved andreas91


    Hi there,

    Thanks for a great plugin.

    I am struggling to output the following json code, specifically the “items[].price” of both items using the following and its not working.

    Shortcode encapsulated in [jsoncontentimporter]:

    “version”: 1,
    “modified”: “2022/08/30 09:04:10 PM”,
    “last request”: “2022/08/30 09:10:57 PM”,
    “hits”: 1,
    “notice”: “”,
    “items”: [
    0 : {
    code: 3p-MD
    price: 7799
    1 : {
    code: AA-AXEOM
    price: 8999

    result of parsing is empty: no data to be displayed.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author berkux


    Hi Andreas,

    try this:

    [jsoncontentimporter url=...]
    {last request} - {subloop-array:items:-1}
    {items.code} - 


    Thread Starter andreas91


    Thank you Bernhard, that did work.

    Can I have multiple subloop-arrays inside an html table like this:

    Plugin Author berkux


    or this way:

    <table border=1>
    [jsoncontentimporter url=https://api.json-content-importer.com/extra/json/andreas91.json]
    {items.code} - {items.price}
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