• Resolved alpinesk


    Hello Support,

    Your ARmember premium version supports woocommerce.

    However, “Cart abandonment” is a lost business and one of the reason people abandon cart is because of not able to “quickly checkout as “Guest.”

    Can ARmember-premium support “guest checkout” … ?

    What I mean is ;

    => visitor buys a WooCommerce membership product
    => WooCommerce notifies the membership plugin.
    => Member-plugin knows what membership level the user paid
    => member gets an email and clicks on a special link to complete the paid registration

    This feature is “Just like Option #2”): Allow Anonymous Checkout in WooCommerce: https://simple-membership-plugin.com/woocommerce-simple-membership-plugin-integration/

    Can ARmember-premium do the above method of “guest checkout?”

    I look forward to your reply.


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  • Plugin Author reputeinfosystems



    Sorry for delay in reply.

    Unfortunately, such feature is not available in ARMember yet. However, we may add such feature in future release of ARMember. But we can’t give you exact information about time and version when we will be able to add it.


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