Are you using the "Event Display Builder"?
We recently announced that we were going to remove the (advanced) “event display builder” in the upcoming version 2.0 plugin update, as it proved to be pretty technically challenging to implement in the new plugin architecture.
However, many of you have expressed you are using it and cannot upgrade until there’s a solution in place. We completely understand, so we want to get an idea of how you’re using it and see what we can do in a future plugin update.
If you’re using the “event display builder”, please post the block of shortcode & HTML used for this option from one or two of your feeds. Please include a public-facing post/page address (URL) of it in action so we can see how it looks if possible.
I prefer to keep ours simple for the roll-overs:
<div class=”gce-list-event gce-tooltip-event”>[event-title]</div>
<div style=”margin-left: 15px”>[start-date]<span>,<span> [start-time]</div>
<div style=”margin-left: 15px”>[link newwindow=”true”]More details…[/link]</div>See a demo here:
There are a couple of iterations on a few different sites, but here is what I use:
<p class=”gce-list-event gce-tooltip-event”>[event-title]</p>
[if-all-day]<p>All day</p>[/if-all-day]
[start-time] to [end-time]
[if-location] Location: [location][/if-location]
</p>Here is what it looks like
I use the following code to list upcoming events in our sidebar in a simple way that matches the look and feel of the rest of the site:
[if-all-day]<font color="#888888">[event-title html="true"] </font> [/if-all-day] [if-not-all-day]<font color="#888888"> [start-custom format="g:ia"] [event-title]</font> [/if-not-all-day] [if-description][link newwindow="true"]<font color="#c0c0c0"><i>(Click for more details...)</i></font>[/link][/if-description]
You can see an example here:
I use variations of this code on several websites.
I use two feed URLs from the same google calendar. Here is live version: 1:
[if-now] <b>Now Playing: </b><br /><br /> [event-title] [/if-now] [if-not-started] [event-title] <br /><br /> <b>Please tune in on:<br /> [start-date] at [start-time] </b> [/if-not-started]
Feed 2:
[if-not-ended] <div class="gce-list-event gce-tooltip-event">[event-title]</div> <div> <span>Starts:</span> [start-date] - [start-time] <span>Duration:</span> [length] </div> <div> <BR /> <span>Description:</span> [description html="true"] <BR /> <BR /> </div> [/if-not-ended]
thank you for a great product!
I have to say: I’m a little shocked that you’d push an upgrade that breaks a key feature. Being able to customize the output is kind of essential. It’s great that you’re picking up this project, but please consider forking the code into a new plugin instead so people who want to stick with the current version can do so without being constantly prompted to update.
Anyway, here’s our block, found at http:/
<div class="start"> <b>[start-date]</b> [if-not-all-day] - <b>[start-time]</b> [/if-not-all-day] </div> <div class="event-title"><b>[event-title]</b></div> [if-location]<div class="location">[maps-link][location][/maps-link]</div>[/if-location] [if-description]<div class="description">[description html="true"]</div> [/if-description]
I use it to display the daily changing lunch of a restaurant. I NEED that!
Should I stay with Version 0.7.2? thanxSite is in progress… PW: hallihallo[if-location]<div class="tagesmenu">[location]<!--Tagesmenue, Datum...--></div>[/if-location] <div class="gce-list-event gce-tooltip-event">[event-title]</div> <div class="day_menu"> <table><tr><td><div class="date_day_menu">[end-date] </div></td> <td>[if-description]<div class="description_day_menu">[description]</div>[/if-description]</td></tr></table> </div> <div class="clear"></div>
I use 2 different feed settings:
The first is for an ajax grid at:
<div class="gce-list-event gce-tooltip-event"><b>[event-title]</b></div> [if-multi-day] <div> [start-date] [if-not-all-day], [start-time][/if-not-all-day] - [end-date] [if-not-all-day], [end-time][/if-not-all-day] </div> [/if-multi-day] [if-single-day] <div> [if-not-all-day][start-time] - [end-time][/if-not-all-day] </div> [/if-single-day] [if-description]<div>Description: [description]</div>[/if-description] [if-location]<div>Location: [location]</div>[/if-location] [if-location]<div>[maps-link newwindow="true"]Click for map...[/maps-link]</div>[/if-location]
The second feed is for a list on our main page:
<div class="gce-list-event gce-tooltip-event">[event-title]</div> [if-multi-day] <div> [start-date] [if-not-all-day], [start-time][/if-not-all-day] - [end-date] [if-not-all-day], [end-time][/if-not-all-day] </div> [/if-multi-day] [if-single-day] <div> [if-not-all-day][start-time] - [end-time][/if-not-all-day] </div> [/if-single-day] [if-description]<div>Description: [description]</div>[/if-description] [if-location]<div>Location: [location]</div>[/if-location] [if-location]<div>[maps-link newwindow="true"]Click for map...[/maps-link]</div>[/if-location]
One thing I would love to be added to this plugin: The ability to see events listed in grid view, and not just the day number. (Similar to the grid view when viewing your calendar at, except with styling that matches a given website.)
I am using the events builder on many sites. One in particular:
[if-title] <div class="calendar-page event"> <div class="date"> <span class="day-name">[start-custom format="D"]</span> <span class="month-span">[start-custom format="M"]</span> <span class="date-span">[start-custom format="j"]</span> </div> <div class="info"> <span class="event-title">[event-title] </span><br /> [if-multi-day]Date: [start-date]-[end-date]<br />[/if-multi-day] [if-all-day]?[/if-all-day] [if-not-all-day][start-time] - [end-time]<br />[/if-not-all-day] [if-location]Location: [location] <br />[/if-location] [if-description][link newwindow="true"]More details...[/link][/if-description] </div><!> </div> [/if-title]
CSS additionally with my spans creates a little date block on the left side. Seen here:
I won’t be updating until there is a safe way to do so.
Great plugin, thanks!
Quite a simple but very handy implementation:
<strong>[link][event-title][/link] [if-multi-day]([length])[/if-multi-day] </strong><br /> [if-not-all-day][start-time] - [/if-not-all-day] [if-location][location][/if-location]
<div class="gce-list-event gce-tooltip-event">[event-title] [location]</div> <span>[if-not-all-day][start-time] - [end-time][/if-not-all-day]</span> [if-description] <span class="tooltips" title="[description]">Details</span>[/if-description]
I’m using it for a more compact display than the default:
<div class="gce-list-event gce-tooltip-event">[event-title]</div> [if-not-all-day]<div><span>Time:</span> [start-time] - [end-time]</div>[/if-not-all-day] [if-location]<div><span>Location:</span> [location]</div>[/if-location] [if-description]<div><span>Description:</span> [description]</div>[/if-description]
We’ve heard you all loud and clear and realize now how many are using the Event Display Builder.
Rest assured we won’t be releasing version 2.0 today after all. Instead we’re looking at integrating the builder into the release and postponing just a little to make it happen.
Look for an update with the builder by the end of the month.
More details here: for the feedback everyone!
Thanks for the email and news I just got. I absolutely love this plugin and am super excited you are making it better AND keeping the event display builder!
Thanks, Phil, looking forward to the new version when it’s ready!
Yes, I am using “event display builder” for 2 websites plus I modified gce-event.php to look up uploaded documents on each domain for agenda/documents posted. See and for examples. Agendas/Other documents *when posted* will appear below the meeting location in the sidebar and the hyperlink will download file from corresponding domain.
GCE Event Builder code:
<div class="gce-list-event gce-tooltip-event">[event-title]</div> <div><span>Event Date: </span> [start-date]</div> <div><span>Time: </span> [start-time] - [end-time]</div> [if-location]<div><span>Location: </span>[maps-link][location][/maps-link]</div>[/if-location] [if-description]<div><span>Agenda: </span>[description]</div>[/if-description]
Resolve Google Calendar filename entered for creating hyperlink:
`//EC START – Added filename parse function
function ParseFileNameAsDate( $file_name, $option ) {
$outarr = array();
$pattern_match = null;
if ($option == ‘verify-filename’ ){
$pattern = ‘/([a-z|A-Z]{2,4}[- _])(:\d+-)?((\d{4}|january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december)[- _]*\d{1,2}[- _]*\d{1,2})/i’;
$pattern = ‘/(:\d+-)?((\d{4}|january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december)[- _]*\d{1,2}[- _]*\d{1,2})/i’;
//Check the filename string for a CCYY-MM-DD in it and return formatted mm/dd/yy date
if (preg_match($pattern, $file_name, $matches)) {
if ($option == ‘verify-filename’ ){
$outarr = explode(‘-‘, $matches[3]);
if (checkdate($outarr[1],$outarr[2],$outarr[0])) {
$pattern_match = $file_name;
$outarr = explode(‘-‘, $matches[0]);
if (checkdate($outarr[1],$outarr[2],$outarr[0])) {
$pattern_match = date(“m/d/Y”, strtotime($matches[0]));
return $pattern_match;
}//EC END`
Set up Agenda/Other docs hyperlink:
if ( $autolink ) //EC START - Added icon and downloadable file link //$description = make_clickable( $description ); $content_url = content_url(); $icon_path = $content_url . "/icons/download-orange-19X19.png"; $icon_link = "<img src=".$icon_path.">"; $uploads_url_path = get_bloginfo('wpurl') . "/downloadfile.php?file="; $new_description = ''; $description_array = array(); //Remove line breaks $description = str_replace("\n", " \n ", $description); $description = str_replace("<br", " <br ", $description); $description_array = explode(' ', $description); for ($i=0; $i < count($description_array); $i++) { if ($this->ParseFileNameAsDate($description_array[$i], 'verify-filename') == null){ continue; }else{ $description_array[$i] = preg_replace('/[:|;|=|+|(|)|*|&|%|$|#|@|!]$/', '', $description_array[$i]); if ($i == 0) { $agenda_link = '<a title=Agenda href='.$uploads_url_path . $description_array[$i] . '>Download Agenda Packet</a>'; $icon_agenda_link = $icon_link.$agenda_link; $description_array[$i] = $icon_agenda_link; }else{ $other_link = '<a title=Other href='.$uploads_url_path . $description_array[$i] . '>Download Other </a>'; $icon_agenda_link = $icon_link.$other_link; $description_array[$i] = $icon_agenda_link; } } } $description = implode($description_array, ' '); $description = '<div><p style="color:blue">'. $description . '</p></div>'; } //EC end
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