• Resolved Unsal Korkmaz


    I didnt inspect your code yet (and yes, i liked your plugin) but for some reason, when i try to publish a post/page/cpt, WordPress giving “Are You Sure You Want to Do This” error when your plugin is active. I may update this topic if i find any clue but i suspect from nonce validation.


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  • Hi,
    I also have the same problem with your plugin activated.

    Hey guys,

    If you could list your active plugins, maybe we could figure out the cause of conflict.

    For us, the problem occurred when the Auto add pages option is checked under "Appearance > Menus".

    A workaround at the moment is to uncheck the “Auto add pages” option.

    The problem lies with Menu_Icons_Admin_Nav_Menus::_save() and the usage of check_admin_referer( 'update-nav_menu', 'update-nav-menu-nonce' );.

    The ‘update-nav-menu-nonce’ field is not available when creating a new page from “Pages > Add New”, which therein causes the nonce error.

    Perhaps you can change your nonce check so it only runs from the "Appearance > Menus" screen?

    same issue. what I managed to find out that menu icons do not work properly with Post Expirator plugin. But the issue is the same as above mentioned with nonce validation on Menu_Icons_Admin_Nav_Menus::_save(). For now I’m removing(commenting out) check_admin_referer( ‘update-nav_menu’, ‘update-nav-menu-nonce’ ); part. I hope it will be fixed with next release.

    Same issue here.

    When I activate the plugin it conflicts with “WordPress Membership 2 Pro Plugin” from WPMUDEV.

    Thanks for the report folks! I’ve created a new issue for this and will try to include the fix in the next version of the plugin (should be released shortly after WP 4.3. release).


    Any update yet for this please?

    This update would help us a lot.

    The fix is ready in the soon to be released version 0.8.0

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